- "flash write_binary" is now "flash write_bank" to clarify the focus of the
[openocd.git] / src / flash / stellaris.c
index 68a5179d00c40051605de92ff2c2762b77563d15..196730b2c5ca45846c6b4566b68269cdf0014641 100644 (file)
- *   Copyright (C) 2006 by Magnus Lundin                                   *
- *   lundin@mlu.mine.nu                                                       *
- *                                                                                                            *
- *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
- *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
- *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
- *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
- *                                                                         *
- *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
- *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
- *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
- *                                                                         *
- *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
- *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
- *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
- *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
- ***************************************************************************/
-* STELLARIS is tested on LM3S811
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include "config.h"
-#include "replacements.h"
-#include "stellaris.h"
-#include "cortex_m3.h"
-#include "flash.h"
-#include "target.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "binarybuffer.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-int stellaris_register_commands(struct command_context_s *cmd_ctx);
-int stellaris_flash_bank_command(struct command_context_s *cmd_ctx, char *cmd, char **args, int argc, struct flash_bank_s *bank);
-int stellaris_erase(struct flash_bank_s *bank, int first, int last);
-int stellaris_protect(struct flash_bank_s *bank, int set, int first, int last);
-int stellaris_write(struct flash_bank_s *bank, u8 *buffer, u32 offset, u32 count);
-int stellaris_probe(struct flash_bank_s *bank);
-int stellaris_erase_check(struct flash_bank_s *bank);
-int stellaris_protect_check(struct flash_bank_s *bank);
-int stellaris_info(struct flash_bank_s *bank, char *buf, int buf_size);
-u32 stellaris_get_flash_status(flash_bank_t *bank);
-void stellaris_set_flash_mode(flash_bank_t *bank,int mode);
-u32 stellaris_wait_status_busy(flash_bank_t *bank, u32 waitbits, int timeout);
-flash_driver_t stellaris_flash =
-       .name = "stellaris",
-       .register_commands = stellaris_register_commands,
-       .flash_bank_command = stellaris_flash_bank_command,
-       .erase = stellaris_erase,
-       .protect = stellaris_protect,
-       .write = stellaris_write,
-       .probe = stellaris_probe,
-       .erase_check = stellaris_erase_check,
-       .protect_check = stellaris_protect_check,
-       .info = stellaris_info
-struct {
-       u32 partno;
-       char partname[];
-}      StellarisParts[] =
-       {0x01,"LM3S101"},
-       {0x02,"LM3S102"},
-       {0x11,"LM3S301"},
-       {0x12,"LM3S310"},
-       {0x13,"LM3S315"},
-       {0x14,"LM3S316"},
-       {0x15,"LM3S328"},
-       {0x21,"LM3S601"},
-       {0x22,"LM3S610"},
-       {0x23,"LM3S611"},
-       {0x24,"LM3S612"},
-       {0x25,"LM3S613"},
-       {0x26,"LM3S615"},
-       {0x27,"LM3S628"},
-       {0x31,"LM3S801"},
-       {0x32,"LM3S811"},
-       {0x33,"LM3S812"},
-       {0x34,"LM3S815"},
-       {0x35,"LM3S828"},
-       {0,"Unknown part"}
-*      openocd command interface                                              *
-int stellaris_flash_bank_command(struct command_context_s *cmd_ctx, char *cmd, char **args, int argc, struct flash_bank_s *bank)
-       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info;
-       if (argc < 6)
-       {
-               WARNING("incomplete flash_bank stellaris configuration");
-               return ERROR_FLASH_BANK_INVALID;
-       }
-       stellaris_info = calloc(sizeof(stellaris_flash_bank_t),1);
-       bank->base = 0x0;
-       bank->driver_priv = stellaris_info;
-       stellaris_info->target_name ="Unknown target";
-       stellaris_info->target = get_target_by_num(strtoul(args[5], NULL, 0));
-       if (!stellaris_info->target)
-       {
-               ERROR("no target '%i' configured", args[5]);
-               exit(-1);
-       }
-       /* part wasn't probed for info yet */
-       stellaris_info->did1 = 0;
-       /* TODO Use an optional main oscillator clock rate in kHz from arg[6] */ 
-       return ERROR_OK;
-int stellaris_register_commands(struct command_context_s *cmd_ctx)
-       command_t *stellaris_cmd = register_command(cmd_ctx, NULL, "stellaris", NULL, COMMAND_ANY, NULL);
-       register_command(cmd_ctx, stellaris_cmd, "gpnvm", stellaris_handle_gpnvm_command, COMMAND_EXEC,
-                       "stellaris gpnvm <num> <bit> set|clear, set or clear stellaris gpnvm bit");
-       return ERROR_OK;
-int stellaris_info(struct flash_bank_s *bank, char *buf, int buf_size)
-       int printed;
-       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;
-       stellaris_read_part_info(bank);
-       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)
-       {
-               printed = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "Cannot identify target as a Stellaris\n");
-               buf += printed;
-               buf_size -= printed;
-               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-       }
-       printed = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "\nLMI Stellaris information: Chip is %s v%i.%02i\n",stellaris_info->target_name, (stellaris_info->did0>>8)&0xFF, (stellaris_info->did0)&0xFF);
-       buf += printed;
-       buf_size -= printed;
-       printed = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "did1: 0x%8.8x, arch: 0x%4.4x, eproc: %s, ramsize:%ik,  flashsize: %ik\n", 
-        stellaris_info->did1, stellaris_info->did1, "ARMV7M", (1+(stellaris_info->dc0>>16)&0xFFFF)/4, (1+stellaris_info->dc0&0xFFFF)*2);
-       buf += printed;
-       buf_size -= printed;
-       printed = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "master clock(estimated): %ikHz,  rcc is 0x%x \n", stellaris_info->mck_freq / 1000, stellaris_info->rcc);
-       buf += printed;
-       buf_size -= printed;
-       if (stellaris_info->num_lockbits>0) {           
-               printed = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "pagesize: %i, lockbits: %i 0x%4.4x, pages in lock region: %i \n", stellaris_info->pagesize, stellaris_info->num_lockbits, stellaris_info->lockbits,stellaris_info->num_pages/stellaris_info->num_lockbits);
-               buf += printed;
-               buf_size -= printed;
-       }
-       return ERROR_OK;
-*      chip identification and status                                         *
-u32 stellaris_get_flash_status(flash_bank_t *bank)
-       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;
-       target_t *target = stellaris_info->target;
-       u32 fmc;
-       target_read_u32(target, FLASH_CONTROL_BASE|FLASH_FMC, &fmc);
-       return fmc;
-/** Read clock configuration and set stellaris_info->usec_clocks*/
-void stellaris_read_clock_info(flash_bank_t *bank)
-       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;
-       target_t *target = stellaris_info->target;
-       u32 rcc, pllcfg, sysdiv, usesysdiv, bypass, oscsrc;
-       unsigned long tmp, mainfreq;
-       target_read_u32(target, SCB_BASE|RCC, &rcc);
-       DEBUG("Stellaris RCC %x",rcc);
-       target_read_u32(target, SCB_BASE|PLLCFG, &pllcfg);
-       DEBUG("Stellaris PLLCFG %x",pllcfg);
-       stellaris_info->rcc = rcc;
-       sysdiv = (rcc>>23)&0xF;
-       usesysdiv = (rcc>>22)&0x1;
-       bypass = (rcc>>11)&0x1;
-       oscsrc = (rcc>>4)&0x3;
-       /* xtal = (rcc>>6)&0xF; */
-       switch (oscsrc)
-       {
-               case 0:
-                       mainfreq = 6000000;  /* Default xtal */
-                       break;
-               case 1:
-                       mainfreq = 22500000; /* Internal osc. 15 MHz +- 50% */
-                       break;
-               case 2:
-                       mainfreq = 5625000;  /* Internal osc. / 4 */
-                       break;
-               case 3:
-                       WARNING("Invalid oscsrc (3) in rcc register");
-                       mainfreq = 6000000;
-                       break;
-       }
-       if (!bypass)
-               mainfreq = 200000000; /* PLL out frec */
-       if (usesysdiv)
-               stellaris_info->mck_freq = mainfreq/(1+sysdiv);
-       else
-               stellaris_info->mck_freq = mainfreq;
-       /* Forget old flash timing */
-       stellaris_set_flash_mode(bank,0);
-/* Setup the timimg registers */
-void stellaris_set_flash_mode(flash_bank_t *bank,int mode)
-       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;
-       target_t *target = stellaris_info->target;
-       u32 usecrl = (stellaris_info->mck_freq/1000000ul-1);
-       DEBUG("usecrl = %i",usecrl);    
-       target_write_u32(target, SCB_BASE|USECRL , usecrl);
-u32 stellaris_wait_status_busy(flash_bank_t *bank, u32 waitbits, int timeout)
-       u32 status;
-       /* Stellaris waits for cmdbit to clear */
-       while (((status = stellaris_get_flash_status(bank)) & waitbits) && (timeout-- > 0))
-       {
-               DEBUG("status: 0x%x", status);
-               usleep(1000);
-       }
-       /* Flash errors are reflected in the FLASH_CRIS register */
-       return status;
-/* Send one command to the flash controller */
-int stellaris_flash_command(struct flash_bank_s *bank,u8 cmd,u16 pagen) 
-       u32 fmc;
-       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;
-       target_t *target = stellaris_info->target;
-       fmc = FMC_WRKEY | cmd; 
-       target_write_u32(target, FLASH_CONTROL_BASE|FLASH_FMC, fmc);
-       DEBUG("Flash command: 0x%x", fmc);
-       if (stellaris_wait_status_busy(bank, cmd, 100)) 
-       {
-               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-       }               
-       return ERROR_OK;
-/* Read device id register, main clock frequency register and fill in driver info structure */
-int stellaris_read_part_info(struct flash_bank_s *bank)
-       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;
-       target_t *target = stellaris_info->target;
-       u32 did0,did1, status;
-       int i;
-       /* Read and parse chip identification register */
-       target_read_u32(target, SCB_BASE|DID0, &did0);
-       target_read_u32(target, SCB_BASE|DID1, &did1);
-       target_read_u32(target, SCB_BASE|DC0, &stellaris_info->dc0);
-       target_read_u32(target, SCB_BASE|DC1, &stellaris_info->dc1);
-       DEBUG("did0 0x%x, did1 0x%x, dc0 0x%x, dc1 0x%x",did0, did1, stellaris_info->dc0,stellaris_info->dc1);
-       if (((did0>>27)&0x7)) 
-       {
-               WARNING("Unkown did0 version, cannot identify target");
-               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-       }
-       if (did1>>24) 
-       {
-               WARNING("Unkown did1 version/family, cannot positively identify target as a Stellaris");
-       }
-       if (did1 == 0)
-       {
-               WARNING("Cannot identify target as a Stellaris");
-               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-       }
-       for (i=0;StellarisParts[i].partno;i++)
-       {
-               if (StellarisParts[i].partno==((did1>>16)&0xFF))
-                       break;
-       }
-       stellaris_info->target_name = StellarisParts[i].partname;
-       stellaris_info->did0 = did0;
-       stellaris_info->did1 = did1;
-       stellaris_info->num_lockbits = 1+stellaris_info->dc0&0xFFFF;
-       stellaris_info->num_pages = 2*(1+stellaris_info->dc0&0xFFFF);
-       stellaris_info->pagesize = 1024;
-       bank->size = 1024*stellaris_info->num_pages;
-       stellaris_info->pages_in_lockregion = 2;
-       target_read_u32(target, SCB_BASE|FMPPE, &stellaris_info->lockbits);
-       // Read main and master clock freqency register 
-       stellaris_read_clock_info(bank);
-       status = stellaris_get_flash_status(bank);
-       WARNING("stellaris flash only tested for LM3S811 series");
-       return ERROR_OK;
-*      flash operations                                         *
-int stellaris_erase_check(struct flash_bank_s *bank)
-       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;
-       target_t *target = stellaris_info->target;
-       int i;
-       /* */
-       return ERROR_OK;
-int stellaris_protect_check(struct flash_bank_s *bank)
-       u32 status;
-       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;
-       target_t *target = stellaris_info->target;
-       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)
-       {
-               stellaris_read_part_info(bank);
-       }
-       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)
-       {
-               WARNING("Cannot identify target as an AT91SAM");
-               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-       }
-       status = stellaris_get_flash_status(bank);
-       stellaris_info->lockbits = status >> 16;
-       return ERROR_OK;
-int stellaris_erase(struct flash_bank_s *bank, int first, int last)
-       int banknr;
-       u32 flash_fmc, flash_cris;
-       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;
-       target_t *target = stellaris_info->target;
-       if (stellaris_info->target->state != TARGET_HALTED)
-       {
-               return ERROR_TARGET_NOT_HALTED;
-       }
-       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)
-       {
-               stellaris_read_part_info(bank);
-       }
-       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)
-       {
-               WARNING("Cannot identify target as an AT91SAM");
-               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-       }       
-       if ((first < 0) || (last < first) || (last >= stellaris_info->num_pages))
-       {
-               return ERROR_FLASH_SECTOR_INVALID;
-       }
-       /* Configure the flash controller timing */
-       stellaris_read_clock_info(bank);        
-       stellaris_set_flash_mode(bank,0);
-       /* Clear and disable flash programming interrupts */
-       target_write_u32(target, FLASH_CIM, 0);
-       target_write_u32(target, FLASH_MISC, PMISC|AMISC);
-       if ((first == 0) && (last == (stellaris_info->num_pages-1)))
-       {
-               target_write_u32(target, FLASH_FMC, FMC_WRKEY | FMC_MERASE);
-               /* Wait until erase complete */
-               do
-               {
-                       target_read_u32(target, FLASH_FMC, &flash_fmc);
-               }
-               while(flash_fmc & FMC_MERASE);
-               return ERROR_OK;
-       }
-       for (banknr=first;banknr<=last;banknr++)
-       {
-               /* Address is first word in page */
-               target_write_u32(target, FLASH_FMA, banknr*stellaris_info->pagesize);
-               /* Write erase command */
-               target_write_u32(target, FLASH_FMC, FMC_WRKEY | FMC_ERASE);
-               /* Wait until erase complete */
-               do
-               {
-                       target_read_u32(target, FLASH_FMC, &flash_fmc);
-               }
-               while(flash_fmc & FMC_ERASE);
-               /* Check acess violations */
-               target_read_u32(target, FLASH_CRIS, &flash_cris);
-               if(flash_cris & (AMASK))
-               {
-                       WARNING("Error erasing flash page %i,  flash_cris 0x%x", banknr, flash_cris);
-                       target_write_u32(target, FLASH_CRIS, 0);
-                       return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-               }
-       }
-       return ERROR_OK;
-int stellaris_protect(struct flash_bank_s *bank, int set, int first, int last)
-       u32 cmd, fmppe, flash_fmc, flash_cris;
-       int lockregion;
-       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;
-       target_t *target = stellaris_info->target;
-       if (stellaris_info->target->state != TARGET_HALTED)
-       {
-               return ERROR_TARGET_NOT_HALTED;
-       }
-       if ((first < 0) || (last < first) || (last >= stellaris_info->num_lockbits))
-       {
-               return ERROR_FLASH_SECTOR_INVALID;
-       }
-       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)
-       {
-               stellaris_read_part_info(bank);
-       }
-       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)
-       {
-               WARNING("Cannot identify target as an Stellaris MCU");
-               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-       }
-       /* Configure the flash controller timing */
-       stellaris_read_clock_info(bank);        
-       stellaris_set_flash_mode(bank,0);
-       fmppe = stellaris_info->lockbits;       
-       for (lockregion=first;lockregion<=last;lockregion++) 
-       {
-               if (set)
-                        fmppe &= ~(1<<lockregion); 
-               else
-                        fmppe |= (1<<lockregion); 
-       }
-       /* Clear and disable flash programming interrupts */
-       target_write_u32(target, FLASH_CIM, 0);
-       target_write_u32(target, FLASH_MISC, PMISC|AMISC);
-       DEBUG("fmppe 0x%x",fmppe);
-       target_write_u32(target, SCB_BASE|FMPPE, fmppe);
-       /* Commit FMPPE */
-       target_write_u32(target, FLASH_FMA, 1);
-       /* Write commit command */
-       /* TODO safety check, sice this cannot be undone */
-       WARNING("Flash protection cannot be removed once commited, commit is NOT executed !");
-       /* target_write_u32(target, FLASH_FMC, FMC_WRKEY | FMC_COMT); */
-       /* Wait until erase complete */
-       do
-       {
-               target_read_u32(target, FLASH_FMC, &flash_fmc);
-       }
-       while(flash_fmc & FMC_COMT);
-       /* Check acess violations */
-       target_read_u32(target, FLASH_CRIS, &flash_cris);
-       if(flash_cris & (AMASK))
-       {
-               WARNING("Error setting flash page protection,  flash_cris 0x%x", flash_cris);
-               target_write_u32(target, FLASH_CRIS, 0);
-               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-       }
-       target_read_u32(target, SCB_BASE|FMPPE, &stellaris_info->lockbits);
-       return ERROR_OK;
-u8 stellaris_write_code[] = 
-/* Call with : 
-       r0 = buffer address
-       r1 = destination address
-       r2 = bytecount (in) - endaddr (work) 
-       r3 = pFLASH_CTRL_BASE
-       r4 = FLASHWRITECMD
-       r5 = #1
-       r6 = scratch
-       r7
-       0x07,0x4B,              /* ldr r3,pFLASH_CTRL_BASE */
-       0x08,0x4C,              /* ldr r4,FLASHWRITECMD */
-       0x01,0x25,              /* movs r5, 1 */
-       0x00,0x26,              /* movs r6, #0 */
-/* mainloop: */
-       0x19,0x60,              /* str  r1, [r3, #0] */
-       0x87,0x59,              /* ldr  r7, [r0, r6] */
-       0x5F,0x60,              /* str  r7, [r3, #4] */
-       0x9C,0x60,              /* str  r4, [r3, #8] */
-/* waitloop: */
-       0x9F,0x68,              /* ldr  r7, [r3, #8] */
-       0x2F,0x42,              /* tst  r7, r5 */
-       0xFC,0xD1,              /* bne  waitloop */
-       0x04,0x31,              /* adds r1, r1, #4 */
-       0x04,0x36,              /* adds r6, r6, #4 */
-       0x96,0x42,              /* cmp  r6, r2 */
-       0xF4,0xD1,              /* bne  mainloop */
-       0x00,0xBE,              /* bkpt #0 */
-       0x00,0xD0,0x0F,0x40,    /* .word        0x400FD000 */
-       0x01,0x00,0x42,0xA4     /* .word        0xA4420001 */
-int stellaris_write_block(struct flash_bank_s *bank, u8 *buffer, u32 offset, u32 wcount)
-       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;
-       target_t *target = stellaris_info->target;
-       u32 buffer_size = 8192;
-       working_area_t *source;
-       working_area_t *write_algorithm;
-       u32 address = bank->base + offset;
-       reg_param_t reg_params[8];
-       armv7m_algorithm_t armv7m_info;
-       int retval;
-       /* flash write code */
-       if (target_alloc_working_area(target, sizeof(stellaris_write_code), &write_algorithm) != ERROR_OK)
-               {
-                       WARNING("no working area available, can't do block memory writes");
-                       return ERROR_TARGET_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE;
-               };
-       target_write_buffer(target, write_algorithm->address, sizeof(stellaris_write_code), stellaris_write_code);
-       /* memory buffer */
-       while (target_alloc_working_area(target, buffer_size, &source) != ERROR_OK)
-       {
-               buffer_size /= 2;
-               if (buffer_size <= 256)
-               {
-                       /* if we already allocated the writing code, but failed to get a buffer, free the algorithm */
-                       if (write_algorithm)
-                               target_free_working_area(target, write_algorithm);
-                       WARNING("no large enough working area available, can't do block memory writes");
-                       return ERROR_TARGET_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE;
-               }
-       };
-       armv7m_info.common_magic = ARMV7M_COMMON_MAGIC;
-       armv7m_info.core_mode = ARMV7M_MODE_ANY;
-       armv7m_info.core_state = ARMV7M_STATE_THUMB;
-       init_reg_param(&reg_params[0], "r0", 32, PARAM_OUT);
-       init_reg_param(&reg_params[1], "r1", 32, PARAM_OUT);
-       init_reg_param(&reg_params[2], "r2", 32, PARAM_OUT);
-       init_reg_param(&reg_params[3], "r3", 32, PARAM_OUT);
-       init_reg_param(&reg_params[4], "r4", 32, PARAM_OUT);
-       init_reg_param(&reg_params[5], "r5", 32, PARAM_OUT);
-       init_reg_param(&reg_params[6], "r6", 32, PARAM_OUT);
-       init_reg_param(&reg_params[7], "r7", 32, PARAM_OUT);
-       while (wcount > 0)
-       {
-               u32 thisrun_count = (wcount > (buffer_size / 4)) ? (buffer_size / 4) : wcount;
-               target_write_buffer(target, source->address, thisrun_count * 4, buffer);
-               buf_set_u32(reg_params[0].value, 0, 32, source->address);
-               buf_set_u32(reg_params[1].value, 0, 32, address);
-               buf_set_u32(reg_params[2].value, 0, 32, 4*thisrun_count);
-               WARNING("Algorithm flash write  %i words to 0x%x, %i remaining",thisrun_count,address, wcount);
-               DEBUG("Algorithm flash write  %i words to 0x%x, %i remaining",thisrun_count,address, wcount);
-               if ((retval = target->type->run_algorithm(target, 0, NULL, 3, reg_params, write_algorithm->address, write_algorithm->address + sizeof(stellaris_write_code)-10, 10000, &armv7m_info)) != ERROR_OK)
-               {
-                       ERROR("error executing stellaris flash write algorithm");
-                       target_free_working_area(target, source);
-                       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[0]);
-                       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[1]);
-                       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[2]);
-                       return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-               }
-               buffer += thisrun_count * 4;
-               address += thisrun_count * 4;
-               wcount -= thisrun_count;
-       }
-       target_free_working_area(target, write_algorithm);
-       target_free_working_area(target, source);
-       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[0]);
-       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[1]);
-       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[2]);
-       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[3]);
-       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[4]);
-       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[5]);
-       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[6]);
-       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[7]);
-       return ERROR_OK;
-int stellaris_write(struct flash_bank_s *bank, u8 *buffer, u32 offset, u32 count)
-       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;
-       target_t *target = stellaris_info->target;
-       u32 dst_min_alignment, wcount, bytes_remaining = count;
-       u32 address = offset;
-       u32 fcr,flash_cris,flash_fmc;
-       u32 retval;
-       if (stellaris_info->target->state != TARGET_HALTED)
-       {
-               return ERROR_TARGET_NOT_HALTED;
-       }
-       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)
-       {
-               stellaris_read_part_info(bank);
-       }
-       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)
-       {
-               WARNING("Cannot identify target as a Stellaris processor");
-               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-       }
-       if((offset & 3) || (count & 3))
-       {
-               WARNING("offset size must be word aligned");
-               return ERROR_FLASH_DST_BREAKS_ALIGNMENT;
-       }
-       if (offset + count > bank->size)
-               return ERROR_FLASH_DST_OUT_OF_BANK;
-       /* Configure the flash controller timing */     
-       stellaris_read_clock_info(bank);        
-       stellaris_set_flash_mode(bank,0);
-       /* Clear and disable flash programming interrupts */
-       target_write_u32(target, FLASH_CIM, 0);
-       target_write_u32(target, FLASH_MISC, PMISC|AMISC);
-       /* multiple words to be programmed? */
-       if (count > 0) 
-       {
-               /* try using a block write */
-               if ((retval = stellaris_write_block(bank, buffer, offset, count/4)) != ERROR_OK)
-               {
-                       if (retval == ERROR_TARGET_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE)
-                       {
-                               /* if block write failed (no sufficient working area),
-                                * we use normal (slow) single dword accesses */ 
-                               WARNING("couldn't use block writes, falling back to single memory accesses");
-                       }
-                       else if (retval == ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED)
-                       {
-                               /* if an error occured, we examine the reason, and quit */
-                               target_read_u32(target, FLASH_CRIS, &flash_cris);
-                               ERROR("flash writing failed with CRIS: 0x%x", flash_cris);
-                               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-                       }
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       buffer += count * 4;
-                       address += count * 4;
-                       count = 0;
-               }
-       }
-       while(count>0)
-       {
-               if (!(address&0xff)) DEBUG("0x%x",address);
-               /* Program one word */
-               target_write_u32(target, FLASH_FMA, address);
-               target_write_buffer(target, FLASH_FMD, 4, buffer);
-               target_write_u32(target, FLASH_FMC, FMC_WRKEY | FMC_WRITE);
-               //DEBUG("0x%x 0x%x 0x%x",address,buf_get_u32(buffer, 0, 32),FMC_WRKEY | FMC_WRITE);
-               /* Wait until write complete */
-               do
-               {
-                       target_read_u32(target, FLASH_FMC, &flash_fmc);
-               }
-               while(flash_fmc & FMC_WRITE);
-               buffer += 4;
-               address += 4;
-               count -= 4;
-       }
-       /* Check acess violations */
-       target_read_u32(target, FLASH_CRIS, &flash_cris);
-       if(flash_cris & (AMASK))
-       {
-               DEBUG("flash_cris 0x%x", flash_cris);
-               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-       }
-       return ERROR_OK;
-int stellaris_probe(struct flash_bank_s *bank)
-       /* we can't probe on an stellaris
-        * if this is an stellaris, it has the configured flash
-        */
-       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;
-       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)
-       {
-               stellaris_read_part_info(bank);
-       }
-       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)
-       {
-               WARNING("Cannot identify target as a LMI Stellaris");
-               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;
-       }
-       return ERROR_OK;
+ *   Copyright (C) 2006 by Magnus Lundin                                   *\r
+ *   lundin@mlu.mine.nu                                                       *\r
+ *                                                                                                            *\r
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *\r
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *\r
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *\r
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *\r
+ *                                                                         *\r
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *\r
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *\r
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *\r
+ *                                                                         *\r
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *\r
+ *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *\r
+ *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *\r
+ *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *\r
+ ***************************************************************************/\r
+* STELLARIS is tested on LM3S811\r
+* \r
+ ***************************************************************************/\r
+#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H\r
+#include "config.h"\r
+#include "replacements.h"\r
+#include "stellaris.h"\r
+#include "cortex_m3.h"\r
+#include "flash.h"\r
+#include "target.h"\r
+#include "log.h"\r
+#include "binarybuffer.h"\r
+#include "types.h"\r
+#include <stdlib.h>\r
+#include <string.h>\r
+#include <unistd.h>\r
+#define DID0_VER(did0) ((did0>>28)&0x07)\r
+int stellaris_register_commands(struct command_context_s *cmd_ctx);\r
+int stellaris_flash_bank_command(struct command_context_s *cmd_ctx, char *cmd, char **args, int argc, struct flash_bank_s *bank);\r
+int stellaris_erase(struct flash_bank_s *bank, int first, int last);\r
+int stellaris_protect(struct flash_bank_s *bank, int set, int first, int last);\r
+int stellaris_write(struct flash_bank_s *bank, u8 *buffer, u32 offset, u32 count);\r
+int stellaris_auto_probe(struct flash_bank_s *bank);\r
+int stellaris_probe(struct flash_bank_s *bank);\r
+int stellaris_erase_check(struct flash_bank_s *bank);\r
+int stellaris_protect_check(struct flash_bank_s *bank);\r
+int stellaris_info(struct flash_bank_s *bank, char *buf, int buf_size);\r
+int stellaris_read_part_info(struct flash_bank_s *bank);\r
+u32 stellaris_get_flash_status(flash_bank_t *bank);\r
+void stellaris_set_flash_mode(flash_bank_t *bank,int mode);\r
+u32 stellaris_wait_status_busy(flash_bank_t *bank, u32 waitbits, int timeout);\r
+int stellaris_read_part_info(struct flash_bank_s *bank);\r
+flash_driver_t stellaris_flash =\r
+       .name = "stellaris",\r
+       .register_commands = stellaris_register_commands,\r
+       .flash_bank_command = stellaris_flash_bank_command,\r
+       .erase = stellaris_erase,\r
+       .protect = stellaris_protect,\r
+       .write = stellaris_write,\r
+       .probe = stellaris_probe,\r
+       .auto_probe = stellaris_auto_probe,\r
+       .erase_check = stellaris_erase_check,\r
+       .protect_check = stellaris_protect_check,\r
+       .info = stellaris_info\r
+struct {\r
+       u32 partno;\r
+    char *partname;\r
+}      StellarisParts[] =\r
+       {0x01,"LM3S101"},\r
+       {0x02,"LM3S102"},\r
+       {0x19,"LM3S300"},\r
+       {0x11,"LM3S301"},\r
+       {0x12,"LM3S310"},\r
+       {0x1A,"LM3S308"},\r
+       {0x13,"LM3S315"},\r
+       {0x14,"LM3S316"},\r
+       {0x17,"LM3S317"},\r
+       {0x18,"LM3S318"},\r
+       {0x15,"LM3S328"},\r
+       {0x2A,"LM3S600"},\r
+       {0x21,"LM3S601"},\r
+       {0x2B,"LM3S608"},\r
+       {0x22,"LM3S610"},\r
+       {0x23,"LM3S611"},\r
+       {0x24,"LM3S612"},\r
+       {0x25,"LM3S613"},\r
+       {0x26,"LM3S615"},\r
+       {0x28,"LM3S617"},\r
+       {0x29,"LM3S618"},\r
+       {0x27,"LM3S628"},\r
+       {0x38,"LM3S800"},\r
+       {0x31,"LM3S801"},\r
+       {0x39,"LM3S808"},\r
+       {0x32,"LM3S811"},\r
+       {0x33,"LM3S812"},\r
+       {0x34,"LM3S815"},\r
+       {0x36,"LM3S817"},\r
+       {0x37,"LM3S818"},\r
+       {0x35,"LM3S828"},\r
+       {0x51,"LM3S2110"},\r
+       {0x52,"LM3S2739"},\r
+       {0x53,"LM3S2651"},\r
+       {0x54,"LM3S2939"},\r
+       {0x55,"LM3S2965"},\r
+       {0x56,"LM3S2432"},\r
+       {0x57,"LM3S2620"},\r
+       {0x58,"LM3S2950"},\r
+       {0x59,"LM3S2412"},\r
+       {0x5A,"LM3S2533"},\r
+       {0x61,"LM3S8630"},\r
+       {0x62,"LM3S8970"},\r
+       {0x63,"LM3S8730"},\r
+       {0x64,"LM3S8530"},\r
+       {0x65,"LM3S8930"},\r
+       {0x71,"LM3S6610"},\r
+       {0x72,"LM3S6950"},\r
+       {0x73,"LM3S6965"},\r
+       {0x74,"LM3S6110"},\r
+       {0x75,"LM3S6432"},\r
+       {0x76,"LM3S6537"},\r
+       {0x77,"LM3S6753"},\r
+       {0x78,"LM3S6952"},\r
+       {0x82,"LM3S6422"},\r
+       {0x83,"LM3S6633"},\r
+       {0x84,"LM3S2139"},\r
+       {0x85,"LM3S2637"},\r
+       {0x86,"LM3S8738"},\r
+       {0x88,"LM3S8938"},\r
+       {0x89,"LM3S6938"},\r
+       {0x8B,"LM3S6637"},\r
+       {0x8C,"LM3S8933"},\r
+       {0x8D,"LM3S8733"},\r
+       {0x8E,"LM3S8538"},\r
+       {0x8F,"LM3S2948"},\r
+       {0xA1,"LM3S6100"},\r
+       {0xA2,"LM3S2410"},\r
+       {0xA3,"LM3S6730"},\r
+       {0xA4,"LM3S2730"},\r
+       {0xA5,"LM3S6420"},\r
+       {0xA6,"LM3S8962"},\r
+       {0xB3,"LM3S1635"},\r
+       {0xB4,"LM3S1850"},\r
+       {0xB5,"LM3S1960"},\r
+       {0xB7,"LM3S1937"},\r
+       {0xB8,"LM3S1968"},\r
+       {0xB9,"LM3S1751"},\r
+       {0xBA,"LM3S1439"},\r
+       {0xBB,"LM3S1512"},\r
+       {0xBC,"LM3S1435"},\r
+       {0xBD,"LM3S1637"},\r
+       {0xBE,"LM3S1958"},\r
+       {0xBF,"LM3S1110"},\r
+       {0xC0,"LM3S1620"},\r
+       {0xC1,"LM3S1150"},\r
+       {0xC2,"LM3S1165"},\r
+       {0xC3,"LM3S1133"},\r
+       {0xC4,"LM3S1162"},\r
+       {0xC5,"LM3S1138"},\r
+       {0xC6,"LM3S1332"},\r
+       {0xC7,"LM3S1538"},\r
+       {0xD0,"LM3S6815"},\r
+       {0xD1,"LM3S6816"},\r
+       {0xD2,"LM3S6915"},\r
+       {0xD3,"LM3S6916"},\r
+       {0xD4,"LM3S2016"},\r
+       {0xD5,"LM3S1615"},\r
+       {0xD6,"LM3S1616"},\r
+       {0xD7,"LM3S8971"},\r
+       {0xD8,"LM3S1108"},\r
+       {0xD9,"LM3S1101"},\r
+       {0xDA,"LM3S1608"},\r
+       {0xDB,"LM3S1601"},\r
+       {0xDC,"LM3S1918"},\r
+       {0xDD,"LM3S1911"},\r
+       {0xDE,"LM3S2108"},\r
+       {0xDF,"LM3S2101"},\r
+       {0xE0,"LM3S2608"},\r
+       {0xE1,"LM3S2601"},\r
+       {0xE2,"LM3S2918"},\r
+       {0xE3,"LM3S2911"},\r
+       {0xE4,"LM3S6118"},\r
+       {0xE5,"LM3S6111"},\r
+       {0xE6,"LM3S6618"},\r
+       {0xE7,"LM3S6611"},\r
+       {0xE8,"LM3S6918"},\r
+       {0xE9,"LM3S6911"},\r
+       {0,"Unknown part"}\r
+char * StellarisClassname[2] =\r
+       "Sandstorm",\r
+       "Fury"\r
+*      openocd command interface                                              *\r
+/* flash_bank stellaris <base> <size> 0 0 <target#>\r
+ */\r
+int stellaris_flash_bank_command(struct command_context_s *cmd_ctx, char *cmd, char **args, int argc, struct flash_bank_s *bank)\r
+       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info;\r
+       \r
+       if (argc < 6)\r
+       {\r
+               WARNING("incomplete flash_bank stellaris configuration");\r
+               return ERROR_FLASH_BANK_INVALID;\r
+       }\r
+       \r
+       stellaris_info = calloc(sizeof(stellaris_flash_bank_t),1);\r
+       bank->base = 0x0;\r
+       bank->driver_priv = stellaris_info;\r
+       \r
+       stellaris_info->target_name = "Unknown target";\r
+       \r
+       /* part wasn't probed for info yet */\r
+       stellaris_info->did1 = 0;\r
+       \r
+       /* TODO Use an optional main oscillator clock rate in kHz from arg[6] */ \r
+       return ERROR_OK;\r
+int stellaris_register_commands(struct command_context_s *cmd_ctx)\r
+       command_t *stellaris_cmd = register_command(cmd_ctx, NULL, "stellaris", NULL, COMMAND_ANY, NULL);\r
+       register_command(cmd_ctx, stellaris_cmd, "gpnvm", stellaris_handle_gpnvm_command, COMMAND_EXEC,\r
+                       "stellaris gpnvm <num> <bit> set|clear, set or clear stellaris gpnvm bit");\r
+       return ERROR_OK;\r
+int stellaris_info(struct flash_bank_s *bank, char *buf, int buf_size)\r
+       int printed, device_class;\r
+       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;\r
+       \r
+       stellaris_read_part_info(bank);\r
+       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)\r
+       {\r
+               printed = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "Cannot identify target as a Stellaris\n");\r
+               buf += printed;\r
+               buf_size -= printed;\r
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;\r
+       }\r
+       \r
+       if (DID0_VER(stellaris_info->did0)>0)\r
+       {\r
+               device_class = (stellaris_info->did0>>16)&0xFF;\r
+       }\r
+       else\r
+       {\r
+               device_class = 0;\r
+       }       \r
+    printed = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "\nLMI Stellaris information: Chip is class %i(%s) %s v%c.%i\n",\r
+         device_class, StellarisClassname[device_class], stellaris_info->target_name,\r
+         'A' + (stellaris_info->did0>>8)&0xFF, (stellaris_info->did0)&0xFF);\r
+       buf += printed;\r
+       buf_size -= printed;\r
+       printed = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "did1: 0x%8.8x, arch: 0x%4.4x, eproc: %s, ramsize:%ik,  flashsize: %ik\n", \r
+        stellaris_info->did1, stellaris_info->did1, "ARMV7M", (1+(stellaris_info->dc0>>16)&0xFFFF)/4, (1+stellaris_info->dc0&0xFFFF)*2);\r
+       buf += printed;\r
+       buf_size -= printed;\r
+       printed = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "master clock(estimated): %ikHz,  rcc is 0x%x \n", stellaris_info->mck_freq / 1000, stellaris_info->rcc);\r
+       buf += printed;\r
+       buf_size -= printed;\r
+       if (stellaris_info->num_lockbits>0) {           \r
+               printed = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "pagesize: %i, lockbits: %i 0x%4.4x, pages in lock region: %i \n", stellaris_info->pagesize, stellaris_info->num_lockbits, stellaris_info->lockbits,stellaris_info->num_pages/stellaris_info->num_lockbits);\r
+               buf += printed;\r
+               buf_size -= printed;\r
+       }\r
+       return ERROR_OK;\r
+*      chip identification and status                                         *\r
+u32 stellaris_get_flash_status(flash_bank_t *bank)\r
+       target_t *target = bank->target;\r
+       u32 fmc;\r
+       \r
+       target_read_u32(target, FLASH_CONTROL_BASE|FLASH_FMC, &fmc);\r
+       \r
+       return fmc;\r
+/** Read clock configuration and set stellaris_info->usec_clocks*/\r
+void stellaris_read_clock_info(flash_bank_t *bank)\r
+       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;\r
+       target_t *target = bank->target;\r
+       u32 rcc, pllcfg, sysdiv, usesysdiv, bypass, oscsrc;\r
+       unsigned long mainfreq;\r
+       target_read_u32(target, SCB_BASE|RCC, &rcc);\r
+       DEBUG("Stellaris RCC %x",rcc);\r
+       target_read_u32(target, SCB_BASE|PLLCFG, &pllcfg);\r
+       DEBUG("Stellaris PLLCFG %x",pllcfg);\r
+       stellaris_info->rcc = rcc;\r
+       \r
+       sysdiv = (rcc>>23)&0xF;\r
+       usesysdiv = (rcc>>22)&0x1;\r
+       bypass = (rcc>>11)&0x1;\r
+       oscsrc = (rcc>>4)&0x3;\r
+       /* xtal = (rcc>>6)&0xF; */\r
+       switch (oscsrc)\r
+       {\r
+               case 0:\r
+                       mainfreq = 6000000;  /* Default xtal */\r
+                       break;\r
+               case 1:\r
+                       mainfreq = 22500000; /* Internal osc. 15 MHz +- 50% */\r
+                       break;\r
+               case 2:\r
+                       mainfreq = 5625000;  /* Internal osc. / 4 */\r
+                       break;\r
+               case 3:\r
+                       WARNING("Invalid oscsrc (3) in rcc register");\r
+                       mainfreq = 6000000;\r
+                       break;\r
+       }\r
+       \r
+       if (!bypass)\r
+               mainfreq = 200000000; /* PLL out frec */\r
+               \r
+       if (usesysdiv)\r
+               stellaris_info->mck_freq = mainfreq/(1+sysdiv);\r
+       else\r
+               stellaris_info->mck_freq = mainfreq;\r
+       \r
+       /* Forget old flash timing */\r
+       stellaris_set_flash_mode(bank,0);\r
+/* Setup the timimg registers */\r
+void stellaris_set_flash_mode(flash_bank_t *bank,int mode)\r
+       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;\r
+       target_t *target = bank->target;\r
+       u32 usecrl = (stellaris_info->mck_freq/1000000ul-1);\r
+       DEBUG("usecrl = %i",usecrl);    \r
+       target_write_u32(target, SCB_BASE|USECRL , usecrl);\r
+       \r
+u32 stellaris_wait_status_busy(flash_bank_t *bank, u32 waitbits, int timeout)\r
+       u32 status;\r
+       \r
+       /* Stellaris waits for cmdbit to clear */\r
+       while (((status = stellaris_get_flash_status(bank)) & waitbits) && (timeout-- > 0))\r
+       {\r
+               DEBUG("status: 0x%x", status);\r
+               usleep(1000);\r
+       }\r
+       \r
+       /* Flash errors are reflected in the FLASH_CRIS register */\r
+       return status;\r
+/* Send one command to the flash controller */\r
+int stellaris_flash_command(struct flash_bank_s *bank,u8 cmd,u16 pagen) \r
+       u32 fmc;\r
+//     stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;\r
+       target_t *target = bank->target;\r
+       fmc = FMC_WRKEY | cmd; \r
+       target_write_u32(target, FLASH_CONTROL_BASE|FLASH_FMC, fmc);\r
+       DEBUG("Flash command: 0x%x", fmc);\r
+       if (stellaris_wait_status_busy(bank, cmd, 100)) \r
+       {\r
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;\r
+       }               \r
+       return ERROR_OK;\r
+/* Read device id register, main clock frequency register and fill in driver info structure */\r
+int stellaris_read_part_info(struct flash_bank_s *bank)\r
+       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;\r
+       target_t *target = bank->target;\r
+    u32 did0,did1, ver, fam, status;\r
+       int i;\r
+       \r
+       /* Read and parse chip identification register */\r
+       target_read_u32(target, SCB_BASE|DID0, &did0);\r
+       target_read_u32(target, SCB_BASE|DID1, &did1);\r
+       target_read_u32(target, SCB_BASE|DC0, &stellaris_info->dc0);\r
+       target_read_u32(target, SCB_BASE|DC1, &stellaris_info->dc1);\r
+       DEBUG("did0 0x%x, did1 0x%x, dc0 0x%x, dc1 0x%x",did0, did1, stellaris_info->dc0,stellaris_info->dc1);\r
+    ver = did0 >> 28;\r
+    if((ver != 0) && (ver != 1))\r
+       {\r
+        WARNING("Unknown did0 version, cannot identify target");\r
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;    \r
+       }\r
+    ver = did1 >> 28;\r
+    fam = (did1 >> 24) & 0xF;\r
+    if(((ver != 0) && (ver != 1)) || (fam != 0))\r
+       {\r
+        WARNING("Unknown did1 version/family, cannot positively identify target as a Stellaris");\r
+       }\r
+       if (did1 == 0)\r
+       {\r
+               WARNING("Cannot identify target as a Stellaris");\r
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;\r
+       }\r
+       \r
+       for (i=0;StellarisParts[i].partno;i++)\r
+       {\r
+               if (StellarisParts[i].partno==((did1>>16)&0xFF))\r
+                       break;\r
+       }\r
+       \r
+       stellaris_info->target_name = StellarisParts[i].partname;\r
+       \r
+       stellaris_info->did0 = did0;\r
+       stellaris_info->did1 = did1;\r
+       stellaris_info->num_lockbits = 1+stellaris_info->dc0&0xFFFF;\r
+       stellaris_info->num_pages = 2*(1+stellaris_info->dc0&0xFFFF);\r
+       stellaris_info->pagesize = 1024;\r
+       bank->size = 1024*stellaris_info->num_pages;\r
+       stellaris_info->pages_in_lockregion = 2;\r
+       target_read_u32(target, SCB_BASE|FMPPE, &stellaris_info->lockbits);\r
+       // Read main and master clock freqency register \r
+       stellaris_read_clock_info(bank);\r
+       \r
+       status = stellaris_get_flash_status(bank);\r
+       \r
+       return ERROR_OK;\r
+*      flash operations                                         *\r
+int stellaris_erase_check(struct flash_bank_s *bank)\r
+       /* \r
+       \r
+       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;\r
+       target_t *target = bank->target;\r
+       int i;\r
+       \r
+       */\r
+       \r
+       return ERROR_OK;\r
+int stellaris_protect_check(struct flash_bank_s *bank)\r
+       u32 status;\r
+       \r
+       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;\r
+       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)\r
+       {\r
+               stellaris_read_part_info(bank);\r
+       }\r
+       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)\r
+       {\r
+               WARNING("Cannot identify target as an AT91SAM");\r
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;\r
+       }\r
+               \r
+       status = stellaris_get_flash_status(bank);\r
+       stellaris_info->lockbits = status >> 16;\r
+       \r
+       return ERROR_OK;\r
+int stellaris_erase(struct flash_bank_s *bank, int first, int last)\r
+       int banknr;\r
+       u32 flash_fmc, flash_cris;\r
+       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;\r
+       target_t *target = bank->target;\r
+       \r
+       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)\r
+       {\r
+               stellaris_read_part_info(bank);\r
+       }\r
+       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)\r
+       {\r
+        WARNING("Cannot identify target as Stellaris");\r
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;\r
+       }       \r
+       \r
+       if ((first < 0) || (last < first) || (last >= stellaris_info->num_pages))\r
+       {\r
+               return ERROR_FLASH_SECTOR_INVALID;\r
+       }\r
+       /* Configure the flash controller timing */\r
+       stellaris_read_clock_info(bank);        \r
+       stellaris_set_flash_mode(bank,0);\r
+       /* Clear and disable flash programming interrupts */\r
+       target_write_u32(target, FLASH_CIM, 0);\r
+       target_write_u32(target, FLASH_MISC, PMISC|AMISC);\r
+       if ((first == 0) && (last == (stellaris_info->num_pages-1)))\r
+       {\r
+        target_write_u32(target, FLASH_FMA, 0);\r
+               target_write_u32(target, FLASH_FMC, FMC_WRKEY | FMC_MERASE);\r
+               /* Wait until erase complete */\r
+               do\r
+               {\r
+                       target_read_u32(target, FLASH_FMC, &flash_fmc);\r
+               }\r
+               while(flash_fmc & FMC_MERASE);\r
+               \r
+        /* if device has > 128k, then second erase cycle is needed */\r
+        if(stellaris_info->num_pages * stellaris_info->pagesize > 0x20000)\r
+        {\r
+            target_write_u32(target, FLASH_FMA, 0x20000);\r
+            target_write_u32(target, FLASH_FMC, FMC_WRKEY | FMC_MERASE);\r
+            /* Wait until erase complete */\r
+            do\r
+            {\r
+                target_read_u32(target, FLASH_FMC, &flash_fmc);\r
+            }\r
+            while(flash_fmc & FMC_MERASE);\r
+        }\r
+               return ERROR_OK;\r
+       }\r
+       for (banknr=first;banknr<=last;banknr++)\r
+       {\r
+               /* Address is first word in page */\r
+               target_write_u32(target, FLASH_FMA, banknr*stellaris_info->pagesize);\r
+               /* Write erase command */\r
+               target_write_u32(target, FLASH_FMC, FMC_WRKEY | FMC_ERASE);\r
+               /* Wait until erase complete */\r
+               do\r
+               {\r
+                       target_read_u32(target, FLASH_FMC, &flash_fmc);\r
+               }\r
+               while(flash_fmc & FMC_ERASE);\r
+               /* Check acess violations */\r
+               target_read_u32(target, FLASH_CRIS, &flash_cris);\r
+               if(flash_cris & (AMASK))\r
+               {\r
+                       WARNING("Error erasing flash page %i,  flash_cris 0x%x", banknr, flash_cris);\r
+                       target_write_u32(target, FLASH_CRIS, 0);\r
+                       return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;\r
+               }\r
+       }\r
+       return ERROR_OK;\r
+int stellaris_protect(struct flash_bank_s *bank, int set, int first, int last)\r
+       u32 fmppe, flash_fmc, flash_cris;\r
+       int lockregion;\r
+       \r
+       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;\r
+       target_t *target = bank->target;\r
+       \r
+       if (bank->target->state != TARGET_HALTED)\r
+       {\r
+               return ERROR_TARGET_NOT_HALTED;\r
+       }\r
+       \r
+       if ((first < 0) || (last < first) || (last >= stellaris_info->num_lockbits))\r
+       {\r
+               return ERROR_FLASH_SECTOR_INVALID;\r
+       }\r
+       \r
+       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)\r
+       {\r
+               stellaris_read_part_info(bank);\r
+       }\r
+       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)\r
+       {\r
+               WARNING("Cannot identify target as an Stellaris MCU");\r
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;\r
+       }\r
+       \r
+       /* Configure the flash controller timing */\r
+       stellaris_read_clock_info(bank);        \r
+       stellaris_set_flash_mode(bank,0);\r
+       fmppe = stellaris_info->lockbits;       \r
+       for (lockregion=first;lockregion<=last;lockregion++) \r
+       {\r
+               if (set)\r
+                        fmppe &= ~(1<<lockregion); \r
+               else\r
+                        fmppe |= (1<<lockregion); \r
+       }\r
+       /* Clear and disable flash programming interrupts */\r
+       target_write_u32(target, FLASH_CIM, 0);\r
+       target_write_u32(target, FLASH_MISC, PMISC|AMISC);\r
+       \r
+       DEBUG("fmppe 0x%x",fmppe);\r
+       target_write_u32(target, SCB_BASE|FMPPE, fmppe);\r
+       /* Commit FMPPE */\r
+       target_write_u32(target, FLASH_FMA, 1);\r
+       /* Write commit command */\r
+       /* TODO safety check, sice this cannot be undone */\r
+       WARNING("Flash protection cannot be removed once commited, commit is NOT executed !");\r
+       /* target_write_u32(target, FLASH_FMC, FMC_WRKEY | FMC_COMT); */\r
+       /* Wait until erase complete */\r
+       do\r
+       {\r
+               target_read_u32(target, FLASH_FMC, &flash_fmc);\r
+       }\r
+       while(flash_fmc & FMC_COMT);\r
+       /* Check acess violations */\r
+       target_read_u32(target, FLASH_CRIS, &flash_cris);\r
+       if(flash_cris & (AMASK))\r
+       {\r
+               WARNING("Error setting flash page protection,  flash_cris 0x%x", flash_cris);\r
+               target_write_u32(target, FLASH_CRIS, 0);\r
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;\r
+       }\r
+       \r
+       target_read_u32(target, SCB_BASE|FMPPE, &stellaris_info->lockbits);\r
+               \r
+       return ERROR_OK;\r
+u8 stellaris_write_code[] = \r
+/* \r
+       Call with :     \r
+       r0 = buffer address\r
+       r1 = destination address\r
+       r2 = bytecount (in) - endaddr (work) \r
+       \r
+       Used registers: \r
+       r3 = pFLASH_CTRL_BASE\r
+       r4 = FLASHWRITECMD\r
+       r5 = #1\r
+       r6 = bytes written\r
+       r7 = temp reg\r
+       0x07,0x4B,              /* ldr r3,pFLASH_CTRL_BASE */\r
+       0x08,0x4C,              /* ldr r4,FLASHWRITECMD */\r
+       0x01,0x25,              /* movs r5, 1 */\r
+       0x00,0x26,              /* movs r6, #0 */\r
+/* mainloop: */\r
+       0x19,0x60,              /* str  r1, [r3, #0] */\r
+       0x87,0x59,              /* ldr  r7, [r0, r6] */\r
+       0x5F,0x60,              /* str  r7, [r3, #4] */\r
+       0x9C,0x60,              /* str  r4, [r3, #8] */\r
+/* waitloop: */\r
+       0x9F,0x68,              /* ldr  r7, [r3, #8] */\r
+       0x2F,0x42,              /* tst  r7, r5 */\r
+       0xFC,0xD1,              /* bne  waitloop */\r
+       0x04,0x31,              /* adds r1, r1, #4 */\r
+       0x04,0x36,              /* adds r6, r6, #4 */\r
+       0x96,0x42,              /* cmp  r6, r2 */\r
+       0xF4,0xD1,              /* bne  mainloop */\r
+       0x00,0xBE,              /* bkpt #0 */\r
+/* pFLASH_CTRL_BASE: */\r
+       0x00,0xD0,0x0F,0x40,    /* .word        0x400FD000 */\r
+       0x01,0x00,0x42,0xA4     /* .word        0xA4420001 */\r
+int stellaris_write_block(struct flash_bank_s *bank, u8 *buffer, u32 offset, u32 wcount)\r
+//     stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;\r
+       target_t *target = bank->target;\r
+       u32 buffer_size = 8192;\r
+       working_area_t *source;\r
+       working_area_t *write_algorithm;\r
+       u32 address = bank->base + offset;\r
+       reg_param_t reg_params[8];\r
+       armv7m_algorithm_t armv7m_info;\r
+       int retval;\r
+       \r
+       DEBUG("(bank=%08X buffer=%08X offset=%08X wcount=%08X)",\r
+                       (unsigned int)bank, (unsigned int)buffer, offset, wcount);\r
+       /* flash write code */\r
+       if (target_alloc_working_area(target, sizeof(stellaris_write_code), &write_algorithm) != ERROR_OK)\r
+               {\r
+                       WARNING("no working area available, can't do block memory writes");\r
+                       return ERROR_TARGET_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE;\r
+               };\r
+       target_write_buffer(target, write_algorithm->address, sizeof(stellaris_write_code), stellaris_write_code);\r
+       /* memory buffer */\r
+       while (target_alloc_working_area(target, buffer_size, &source) != ERROR_OK)\r
+       {\r
+               DEBUG("called target_alloc_working_area(target=%08X buffer_size=%08X source=%08X)",\r
+                               (unsigned int)target, buffer_size, (unsigned int)source); \r
+               buffer_size /= 2;\r
+               if (buffer_size <= 256)\r
+               {\r
+                       /* if we already allocated the writing code, but failed to get a buffer, free the algorithm */\r
+                       if (write_algorithm)\r
+                               target_free_working_area(target, write_algorithm);\r
+                       \r
+                       WARNING("no large enough working area available, can't do block memory writes");\r
+                       return ERROR_TARGET_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE;\r
+               }\r
+       };\r
+       \r
+       armv7m_info.common_magic = ARMV7M_COMMON_MAGIC;\r
+       armv7m_info.core_mode = ARMV7M_MODE_ANY;\r
+       armv7m_info.core_state = ARMV7M_STATE_THUMB;\r
+       \r
+       init_reg_param(&reg_params[0], "r0", 32, PARAM_OUT);\r
+       init_reg_param(&reg_params[1], "r1", 32, PARAM_OUT);\r
+       init_reg_param(&reg_params[2], "r2", 32, PARAM_OUT);\r
+       init_reg_param(&reg_params[3], "r3", 32, PARAM_OUT);\r
+       init_reg_param(&reg_params[4], "r4", 32, PARAM_OUT);\r
+       init_reg_param(&reg_params[5], "r5", 32, PARAM_OUT);\r
+       init_reg_param(&reg_params[6], "r6", 32, PARAM_OUT);\r
+       init_reg_param(&reg_params[7], "r7", 32, PARAM_OUT);\r
+       while (wcount > 0)\r
+       {\r
+               u32 thisrun_count = (wcount > (buffer_size / 4)) ? (buffer_size / 4) : wcount;\r
+               \r
+               target_write_buffer(target, source->address, thisrun_count * 4, buffer);\r
+               \r
+               buf_set_u32(reg_params[0].value, 0, 32, source->address);\r
+               buf_set_u32(reg_params[1].value, 0, 32, address);\r
+               buf_set_u32(reg_params[2].value, 0, 32, 4*thisrun_count);\r
+               WARNING("Algorithm flash write  %i words to 0x%x, %i remaining",thisrun_count,address, wcount);\r
+               DEBUG("Algorithm flash write  %i words to 0x%x, %i remaining",thisrun_count,address, wcount);\r
+               if ((retval = target->type->run_algorithm(target, 0, NULL, 3, reg_params, write_algorithm->address, write_algorithm->address + sizeof(stellaris_write_code)-10, 10000, &armv7m_info)) != ERROR_OK)\r
+               {\r
+                       ERROR("error executing stellaris flash write algorithm");\r
+                       target_free_working_area(target, source);\r
+                       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[0]);\r
+                       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[1]);\r
+                       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[2]);\r
+                       return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;\r
+               }\r
+       \r
+               buffer += thisrun_count * 4;\r
+               address += thisrun_count * 4;\r
+               wcount -= thisrun_count;\r
+       }\r
+       \r
+       target_free_working_area(target, write_algorithm);\r
+       target_free_working_area(target, source);\r
+       \r
+       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[0]);\r
+       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[1]);\r
+       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[2]);\r
+       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[3]);\r
+       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[4]);\r
+       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[5]);\r
+       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[6]);\r
+       destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[7]);\r
+       \r
+       return ERROR_OK;\r
+int stellaris_write(struct flash_bank_s *bank, u8 *buffer, u32 offset, u32 count)\r
+       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;\r
+       target_t *target = bank->target;\r
+       u32 address = offset;\r
+       u32 flash_cris,flash_fmc;\r
+       u32 retval;\r
+       \r
+       DEBUG("(bank=%08X buffer=%08X offset=%08X count=%08X)",\r
+                       (unsigned int)bank, (unsigned int)buffer, offset, count);\r
+       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)\r
+       {\r
+               stellaris_read_part_info(bank);\r
+       }\r
+       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)\r
+       {\r
+               WARNING("Cannot identify target as a Stellaris processor");\r
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;\r
+       }\r
+       \r
+       if((offset & 3) || (count & 3))\r
+       {\r
+               WARNING("offset size must be word aligned");\r
+               return ERROR_FLASH_DST_BREAKS_ALIGNMENT;\r
+       }\r
+       \r
+       if (offset + count > bank->size)\r
+               return ERROR_FLASH_DST_OUT_OF_BANK;\r
+       /* Configure the flash controller timing */     \r
+       stellaris_read_clock_info(bank);        \r
+       stellaris_set_flash_mode(bank,0);\r
+       \r
+       /* Clear and disable flash programming interrupts */\r
+       target_write_u32(target, FLASH_CIM, 0);\r
+       target_write_u32(target, FLASH_MISC, PMISC|AMISC);\r
+       /* multiple words to be programmed? */\r
+       if (count > 0) \r
+       {\r
+               /* try using a block write */\r
+               if ((retval = stellaris_write_block(bank, buffer, offset, count/4)) != ERROR_OK)\r
+               {\r
+                       if (retval == ERROR_TARGET_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE)\r
+                       {\r
+                               /* if block write failed (no sufficient working area),\r
+                                * we use normal (slow) single dword accesses */ \r
+                               WARNING("couldn't use block writes, falling back to single memory accesses");\r
+                       }\r
+                       else if (retval == ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED)\r
+                       {\r
+                               /* if an error occured, we examine the reason, and quit */\r
+                               target_read_u32(target, FLASH_CRIS, &flash_cris);\r
+                               \r
+                               ERROR("flash writing failed with CRIS: 0x%x", flash_cris);\r
+                               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;\r
+                       }\r
+               }\r
+               else\r
+               {\r
+                       buffer += count * 4;\r
+                       address += count * 4;\r
+                       count = 0;\r
+               }\r
+       }\r
+       while(count>0)\r
+       {\r
+               if (!(address&0xff)) DEBUG("0x%x",address);\r
+               /* Program one word */\r
+               target_write_u32(target, FLASH_FMA, address);\r
+               target_write_buffer(target, FLASH_FMD, 4, buffer);\r
+               target_write_u32(target, FLASH_FMC, FMC_WRKEY | FMC_WRITE);\r
+               //DEBUG("0x%x 0x%x 0x%x",address,buf_get_u32(buffer, 0, 32),FMC_WRKEY | FMC_WRITE);\r
+               /* Wait until write complete */\r
+               do\r
+               {\r
+                       target_read_u32(target, FLASH_FMC, &flash_fmc);\r
+               }\r
+               while(flash_fmc & FMC_WRITE);\r
+               buffer += 4;\r
+               address += 4;\r
+               count -= 4;\r
+       }\r
+       /* Check acess violations */\r
+       target_read_u32(target, FLASH_CRIS, &flash_cris);\r
+       if(flash_cris & (AMASK))\r
+       {\r
+               DEBUG("flash_cris 0x%x", flash_cris);\r
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;\r
+       }\r
+       return ERROR_OK;\r
+int stellaris_probe(struct flash_bank_s *bank)\r
+       /* we can't probe on an stellaris\r
+        * if this is an stellaris, it has the configured flash\r
+        */\r
+       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;\r
+       \r
+       stellaris_info->probed = 0;\r
+       \r
+       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)\r
+       {\r
+               stellaris_read_part_info(bank);\r
+       }\r
+       if (stellaris_info->did1 == 0)\r
+       {\r
+               WARNING("Cannot identify target as a LMI Stellaris");\r
+               return ERROR_FLASH_OPERATION_FAILED;\r
+       }\r
+       \r
+       stellaris_info->probed = 1;\r
+       \r
+       return ERROR_OK;\r
+int stellaris_auto_probe(struct flash_bank_s *bank)\r
+       stellaris_flash_bank_t *stellaris_info = bank->driver_priv;\r
+       if (stellaris_info->probed)\r
+               return ERROR_OK;\r
+       return stellaris_probe(bank);\r

Linking to existing account procedure

If you already have an account and want to add another login method you MUST first sign in with your existing account and then change URL to read https://review.openocd.org/login/?link to get to this page again but this time it'll work for linking. Thank you.

SSH host keys fingerprints

1024 SHA256:YKx8b7u5ZWdcbp7/4AeXNaqElP49m6QrwfXaqQGJAOk gerrit-code-review@openocd.zylin.com (DSA)
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