JTAG/COMMANDS: review scope of functions
[openocd.git] / src / jtag / tcl.c
index 81dbdb5919f4309bbbc64c5e66a0d91641040e0e..579ca9e598f55d99086cdfda0e9ac2ad4a70d9ae 100644 (file)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  *   Copyright (C) 2005 by Dominic Rath                                    *
  *   Dominic.Rath@gmx.de                                                   *
  *                                                                         *
- *   Copyright (C) 2007,2008 Øyvind Harboe                                 *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Øyvind Harboe                                 *
  *   oyvind.harboe@zylin.com                                               *
  *                                                                         *
  *   Copyright (C) 2009 SoftPLC Corporation                                *
 #include <strings.h>
+ * @file
+ * Holds support for accessing JTAG-specific mechanisms from TCl scripts.
+ */
 static const Jim_Nvp nvp_jtag_tap_event[] = {
        { .value = JTAG_TRST_ASSERTED,          .name = "post-reset" },
        { .value = JTAG_TAP_EVENT_SETUP,        .name = "setup" },
@@ -51,6 +56,262 @@ static const Jim_Nvp nvp_jtag_tap_event[] = {
 extern struct jtag_interface *jtag_interface;
+struct jtag_tap *jtag_tap_by_jim_obj(Jim_Interp *interp, Jim_Obj *o)
+       const char *cp = Jim_GetString(o, NULL);
+       struct jtag_tap *t = cp ? jtag_tap_by_string(cp) : NULL;
+       if (NULL == cp)
+               cp = "(unknown)";
+       if (NULL == t)
+               Jim_SetResult_sprintf(interp, "Tap '%s' could not be found", cp);
+       return t;
+static bool scan_is_safe(tap_state_t state)
+       switch (state)
+       {
+       case TAP_RESET:
+       case TAP_IDLE:
+       case TAP_DRPAUSE:
+       case TAP_IRPAUSE:
+               return true;
+       default:
+               return false;
+       }
+static int Jim_Command_drscan(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *args)
+       int retval;
+       struct scan_field *fields;
+       int num_fields;
+       int field_count = 0;
+       int i, e;
+       struct jtag_tap *tap;
+       tap_state_t endstate;
+       /* args[1] = device
+        * args[2] = num_bits
+        * args[3] = hex string
+        * ... repeat num bits and hex string ...
+        *
+        * .. optionally:
+       *     args[N-2] = "-endstate"
+        *     args[N-1] = statename
+        */
+       if ((argc < 4) || ((argc % 2) != 0))
+       {
+               Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "wrong arguments");
+               return JIM_ERR;
+       }
+       endstate = TAP_IDLE;
+       script_debug(interp, "drscan", argc, args);
+       /* validate arguments as numbers */
+       e = JIM_OK;
+       for (i = 2; i < argc; i += 2)
+       {
+               long bits;
+               const char *cp;
+               e = Jim_GetLong(interp, args[i], &bits);
+               /* If valid - try next arg */
+               if (e == JIM_OK) {
+                       continue;
+               }
+               /* Not valid.. are we at the end? */
+               if (((i + 2) != argc)) {
+                       /* nope, then error */
+                       return e;
+               }
+               /* it could be: "-endstate FOO"
+                * e.g. DRPAUSE so we can issue more instructions
+                * before entering RUN/IDLE and executing them.
+                */
+               /* get arg as a string. */
+               cp = Jim_GetString(args[i], NULL);
+               /* is it the magic? */
+               if (0 == strcmp("-endstate", cp)) {
+                       /* is the statename valid? */
+                       cp = Jim_GetString(args[i + 1], NULL);
+                       /* see if it is a valid state name */
+                       endstate = tap_state_by_name(cp);
+                       if (endstate < 0) {
+                               /* update the error message */
+                               Jim_SetResult_sprintf(interp,"endstate: %s invalid", cp);
+                       } else {
+                               if (!scan_is_safe(endstate))
+                                       LOG_WARNING("drscan with unsafe "
+                                                       "endstate \"%s\"", cp);
+                               /* valid - so clear the error */
+                               e = JIM_OK;
+                               /* and remove the last 2 args */
+                               argc -= 2;
+                       }
+               }
+               /* Still an error? */
+               if (e != JIM_OK) {
+                       return e; /* too bad */
+               }
+       } /* validate args */
+       tap = jtag_tap_by_jim_obj(interp, args[1]);
+       if (tap == NULL) {
+               return JIM_ERR;
+       }
+       num_fields = (argc-2)/2;
+       fields = malloc(sizeof(struct scan_field) * num_fields);
+       for (i = 2; i < argc; i += 2)
+       {
+               long bits;
+               int len;
+               const char *str;
+               Jim_GetLong(interp, args[i], &bits);
+               str = Jim_GetString(args[i + 1], &len);
+               fields[field_count].num_bits = bits;
+               void * t = malloc(DIV_ROUND_UP(bits, 8));
+               fields[field_count].out_value = t;
+               str_to_buf(str, len, t, bits, 0);
+               fields[field_count].in_value = t;
+               field_count++;
+       }
+       jtag_add_dr_scan(tap, num_fields, fields, endstate);
+       retval = jtag_execute_queue();
+       if (retval != ERROR_OK)
+       {
+               Jim_SetResultString(interp, "drscan: jtag execute failed",-1);
+               return JIM_ERR;
+       }
+       field_count = 0;
+       Jim_Obj *list = Jim_NewListObj(interp, NULL, 0);
+       for (i = 2; i < argc; i += 2)
+       {
+               long bits;
+               char *str;
+               Jim_GetLong(interp, args[i], &bits);
+               str = buf_to_str(fields[field_count].in_value, bits, 16);
+               free((void *)fields[field_count].out_value);
+               Jim_ListAppendElement(interp, list, Jim_NewStringObj(interp, str, strlen(str)));
+               free(str);
+               field_count++;
+       }
+       Jim_SetResult(interp, list);
+       free(fields);
+       return JIM_OK;
+static int Jim_Command_pathmove(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *args)
+       tap_state_t states[8];
+       if ((argc < 2) || ((size_t)argc > (ARRAY_SIZE(states) + 1)))
+       {
+               Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "wrong arguments");
+               return JIM_ERR;
+       }
+       script_debug(interp, "pathmove", argc, args);
+       int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < argc-1; i++)
+       {
+               const char *cp;
+               cp = Jim_GetString(args[i + 1], NULL);
+               states[i] = tap_state_by_name(cp);
+               if (states[i] < 0)
+               {
+                       /* update the error message */
+                       Jim_SetResult_sprintf(interp,"endstate: %s invalid", cp);
+                       return JIM_ERR;
+               }
+       }
+       if ((jtag_add_statemove(states[0]) != ERROR_OK) || (jtag_execute_queue()!= ERROR_OK))
+       {
+               Jim_SetResultString(interp, "pathmove: jtag execute failed",-1);
+               return JIM_ERR;
+       }
+       jtag_add_pathmove(argc-2, states + 1);
+       if (jtag_execute_queue()!= ERROR_OK)
+       {
+               Jim_SetResultString(interp, "pathmove: failed",-1);
+               return JIM_ERR;
+       }
+       return JIM_OK;
+static int Jim_Command_flush_count(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *args)
+       script_debug(interp, "flush_count", argc, args);
+       Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewIntObj(interp, jtag_get_flush_queue_count()));
+       return JIM_OK;
+/* REVISIT Just what about these should "move" ... ?
+ * These registrations, into the main JTAG table?
+ *
+ * There's a minor compatibility issue, these all show up twice;
+ * that's not desirable:
+ *  - jtag drscan ... NOT DOCUMENTED!
+ *  - drscan ...
+ *
+ * The "irscan" command (for example) doesn't show twice.
+ */
+static const struct command_registration jtag_command_handlers_to_move[] = {
+       {
+               .name = "drscan",
+               .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+               .jim_handler = Jim_Command_drscan,
+               .help = "Execute Data Register (DR) scan for one TAP.  "
+                       "Other TAPs must be in BYPASS mode.",
+               .usage = "tap_name [num_bits value]* ['-endstate' state_name]",
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "flush_count",
+               .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+               .jim_handler = Jim_Command_flush_count,
+               .help = "Returns the number of times the JTAG queue "
+                       "has been flushed.",
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "pathmove",
+               .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+               .jim_handler = Jim_Command_pathmove,
+               .usage = "start_state state1 [state2 [state3 ...]]",
+               .help = "Move JTAG state machine from current state "
+                       "(start_state) to state1, then state2, state3, etc.",
+       },
 enum jtag_tap_cfg_param {
@@ -61,94 +322,107 @@ static Jim_Nvp nvp_config_opts[] = {
        { .name = NULL,          .value = -1 }
-static int jtag_tap_configure_cmd(Jim_GetOptInfo *goi, struct jtag_tap * tap)
+static int jtag_tap_configure_event(Jim_GetOptInfo *goi, struct jtag_tap * tap)
+       if (goi->argc == 0)
+       {
+               Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi->interp, goi->argc, goi->argv, "-event <event-name> ...");
+               return JIM_ERR;
+       }
        Jim_Nvp *n;
-       Jim_Obj *o;
-       int e;
+       int e = Jim_GetOpt_Nvp(goi, nvp_jtag_tap_event, &n);
+       if (e != JIM_OK)
+       {
+               Jim_GetOpt_NvpUnknown(goi, nvp_jtag_tap_event, 1);
+               return e;
+       }
+       if (goi->isconfigure) {
+               if (goi->argc != 1) {
+                       Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi->interp, goi->argc, goi->argv, "-event <event-name> <event-body>");
+                       return JIM_ERR;
+               }
+       } else {
+               if (goi->argc != 0) {
+                       Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi->interp, goi->argc, goi->argv, "-event <event-name>");
+                       return JIM_ERR;
+               }
+       }
+       struct jtag_tap_event_action *jteap  = tap->event_action;
+       /* replace existing event body */
+       bool found = false;
+       while (jteap)
+       {
+               if (jteap->event == (enum jtag_event)n->value)
+               {
+                       found = true;
+                       break;
+               }
+               jteap = jteap->next;
+       }
+       Jim_SetEmptyResult(goi->interp);
+       if (goi->isconfigure)
+       {
+               if (!found)
+                       jteap = calloc(1, sizeof(*jteap));
+               else if (NULL != jteap->body)
+                       Jim_DecrRefCount(goi->interp, jteap->body);
+               jteap->interp = goi->interp;
+               jteap->event = n->value;
+               Jim_Obj *o;
+               Jim_GetOpt_Obj(goi, &o);
+               jteap->body = Jim_DuplicateObj(goi->interp, o);
+               Jim_IncrRefCount(jteap->body);
+               if (!found)
+               {
+                       /* add to head of event list */
+                       jteap->next = tap->event_action;
+                       tap->event_action = jteap;
+               }
+       }
+       else if (found)
+       {
+               jteap->interp = goi->interp;
+               Jim_SetResult(goi->interp,
+                       Jim_DuplicateObj(goi->interp, jteap->body));
+       }
+       return JIM_OK;
+static int jtag_tap_configure_cmd(Jim_GetOptInfo *goi, struct jtag_tap * tap)
        /* parse config or cget options */
-       while (goi->argc > 0) {
+       while (goi->argc > 0)
+       {
                Jim_SetEmptyResult (goi->interp);
-               e = Jim_GetOpt_Nvp(goi, nvp_config_opts, &n);
-               if (e != JIM_OK) {
+               Jim_Nvp *n;
+               int e = Jim_GetOpt_Nvp(goi, nvp_config_opts, &n);
+               if (e != JIM_OK)
+               {
                        Jim_GetOpt_NvpUnknown(goi, nvp_config_opts, 0);
                        return e;
-               switch (n->value) {
-                       case JCFG_EVENT:
-                               if (goi->argc == 0) {
-                                       Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi->interp, goi->argc, goi->argv, "-event ?event-name? ...");
-                                       return JIM_ERR;
-                               }
-                               e = Jim_GetOpt_Nvp(goi, nvp_jtag_tap_event, &n);
-                               if (e != JIM_OK) {
-                                       Jim_GetOpt_NvpUnknown(goi, nvp_jtag_tap_event, 1);
-                                       return e;
-                               }
-                               if (goi->isconfigure) {
-                                       if (goi->argc != 1) {
-                                               Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi->interp, goi->argc, goi->argv, "-event ?event-name? ?EVENT-BODY?");
-                                               return JIM_ERR;
-                                       }
-                               } else {
-                                       if (goi->argc != 0) {
-                                               Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi->interp, goi->argc, goi->argv, "-event ?event-name?");
-                                               return JIM_ERR;
-                                       }
-                               }
-                               {
-                                       struct jtag_tap_event_action *jteap;
-                                       jteap = tap->event_action;
-                                       /* replace existing? */
-                                       while (jteap) {
-                                               if (jteap->event == (enum jtag_event)n->value) {
-                                                       break;
-                                               }
-                                               jteap = jteap->next;
-                                       }
-                                       if (goi->isconfigure) {
-                                               bool replace = true;
-                                               if (jteap == NULL) {
-                                                       /* create new */
-                                                       jteap = calloc(1, sizeof (*jteap));
-                                                       replace = false;
-                                               }
-                                               jteap->event = n->value;
-                                               Jim_GetOpt_Obj(goi, &o);
-                                               if (jteap->body) {
-                                                       Jim_DecrRefCount(interp, jteap->body);
-                                               }
-                                               jteap->body = Jim_DuplicateObj(goi->interp, o);
-                                               Jim_IncrRefCount(jteap->body);
-                                               if (!replace)
-                                               {
-                                                       /* add to head of event list */
-                                                       jteap->next = tap->event_action;
-                                                       tap->event_action = jteap;
-                                               }
-                                               Jim_SetEmptyResult(goi->interp);
-                                       } else {
-                                               /* get */
-                                               if (jteap == NULL) {
-                                                       Jim_SetEmptyResult(goi->interp);
-                                               } else {
-                                                       Jim_SetResult(goi->interp, Jim_DuplicateObj(goi->interp, jteap->body));
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                               }
-                               /* loop for more */
-                               break;
+               switch (n->value)
+               {
+               case JCFG_EVENT:
+                       e = jtag_tap_configure_event(goi, tap);
+                       if (e != JIM_OK)
+                               return e;
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       Jim_SetResult_sprintf(goi->interp, "unknown event: %s", n->name);
+                       return JIM_ERR;
-       } /* while (goi->argc) */
+       }
        return JIM_OK;
@@ -163,27 +437,109 @@ static int is_bad_irval(int ir_length, jim_wide w)
        return (w & v) != 0;
+static int jim_newtap_expected_id(Jim_Nvp *n, Jim_GetOptInfo *goi,
+               struct jtag_tap *pTap)
+       jim_wide w;
+       int e = Jim_GetOpt_Wide(goi, &w);
+       if (e != JIM_OK) {
+               Jim_SetResult_sprintf(goi->interp, "option: %s bad parameter", n->name);
+               return e;
+       }
+       unsigned expected_len = sizeof(uint32_t) * pTap->expected_ids_cnt;
+       uint32_t *new_expected_ids = malloc(expected_len + sizeof(uint32_t));
+       if (new_expected_ids == NULL)
+       {
+               Jim_SetResult_sprintf(goi->interp, "no memory");
+               return JIM_ERR;
+       }
+       memcpy(new_expected_ids, pTap->expected_ids, expected_len);
+       new_expected_ids[pTap->expected_ids_cnt] = w;
+       free(pTap->expected_ids);
+       pTap->expected_ids = new_expected_ids;
+       pTap->expected_ids_cnt++;
+       return JIM_OK;
+#define NTAP_OPT_IRLEN     0
+#define NTAP_OPT_IRMASK    1
+#define NTAP_OPT_ENABLED   3
+#define NTAP_OPT_VERSION   6
+static int jim_newtap_ir_param(Jim_Nvp *n, Jim_GetOptInfo *goi,
+               struct jtag_tap *pTap)
+       jim_wide w;
+       int e = Jim_GetOpt_Wide(goi, &w);
+       if (e != JIM_OK)
+       {
+               Jim_SetResult_sprintf(goi->interp,
+                               "option: %s bad parameter", n->name);
+               free((void *)pTap->dotted_name);
+               return e;
+       }
+       switch (n->value) {
+       case NTAP_OPT_IRLEN:
+               if (w > (jim_wide) (8 * sizeof(pTap->ir_capture_value)))
+               {
+                       LOG_WARNING("%s: huge IR length %d",
+                                       pTap->dotted_name, (int) w);
+               }
+               pTap->ir_length = w;
+               break;
+       case NTAP_OPT_IRMASK:
+               if (is_bad_irval(pTap->ir_length, w))
+               {
+                       LOG_ERROR("%s: IR mask %x too big",
+                                       pTap->dotted_name,
+                                       (int) w);
+                       return JIM_ERR;
+               }
+               if ((w & 3) != 3)
+                       LOG_WARNING("%s: nonstandard IR mask", pTap->dotted_name);
+               pTap->ir_capture_mask = w;
+               break;
+       case NTAP_OPT_IRCAPTURE:
+               if (is_bad_irval(pTap->ir_length, w))
+               {
+                       LOG_ERROR("%s: IR capture %x too big",
+                                       pTap->dotted_name, (int) w);
+                       return JIM_ERR;
+               }
+               if ((w & 3) != 1)
+                       LOG_WARNING("%s: nonstandard IR value",
+                                       pTap->dotted_name);
+               pTap->ir_capture_value = w;
+               break;
+       default:
+               return JIM_ERR;
+       }
+       return JIM_OK;
 static int jim_newtap_cmd(Jim_GetOptInfo *goi)
        struct jtag_tap *pTap;
-       jim_wide w;
        int x;
        int e;
        Jim_Nvp *n;
        char *cp;
        const Jim_Nvp opts[] = {
-#define NTAP_OPT_IRLEN     0
                { .name = "-irlen"                      ,       .value = NTAP_OPT_IRLEN },
-#define NTAP_OPT_IRMASK    1
                { .name = "-irmask"                     ,       .value = NTAP_OPT_IRMASK },
                { .name = "-ircapture"          ,       .value = NTAP_OPT_IRCAPTURE },
-#define NTAP_OPT_ENABLED   3
                { .name = "-enable"                     ,       .value = NTAP_OPT_ENABLED },
                { .name = "-disable"            ,       .value = NTAP_OPT_DISABLED },
                { .name = "-expected-id"        ,       .value = NTAP_OPT_EXPECTED_ID },
+               { .name = "-ignore-version"     ,       .value = NTAP_OPT_VERSION },
                { .name = NULL                          ,       .value = -1 },
@@ -240,460 +596,392 @@ static int jim_newtap_cmd(Jim_GetOptInfo *goi)
                        pTap->disabled_after_reset = true;
                case NTAP_OPT_EXPECTED_ID:
-               {
-                       uint32_t *new_expected_ids;
-                       e = Jim_GetOpt_Wide(goi, &w);
-                       if (e != JIM_OK) {
-                               Jim_SetResult_sprintf(goi->interp, "option: %s bad parameter", n->name);
+                       e = jim_newtap_expected_id(n, goi, pTap);
+                       if (JIM_OK != e)
+                       {
                                free((void *)pTap->dotted_name);
                                return e;
-                       new_expected_ids = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * (pTap->expected_ids_cnt + 1));
-                       if (new_expected_ids == NULL) {
-                               Jim_SetResult_sprintf(goi->interp, "no memory");
-                               free((void *)pTap->dotted_name);
-                               free(pTap);
-                               return JIM_ERR;
-                       }
-                       memcpy(new_expected_ids, pTap->expected_ids, sizeof(uint32_t) * pTap->expected_ids_cnt);
-                       new_expected_ids[pTap->expected_ids_cnt] = w;
-                       free(pTap->expected_ids);
-                       pTap->expected_ids = new_expected_ids;
-                       pTap->expected_ids_cnt++;
-               }
                case NTAP_OPT_IRLEN:
                case NTAP_OPT_IRMASK:
                case NTAP_OPT_IRCAPTURE:
-                       e = Jim_GetOpt_Wide(goi, &w);
-                       if (e != JIM_OK) {
-                               Jim_SetResult_sprintf(goi->interp, "option: %s bad parameter", n->name);
+                       e = jim_newtap_ir_param(n, goi, pTap);
+                       if (JIM_OK != e)
+                       {
                                free((void *)pTap->dotted_name);
                                return e;
-                       }
-                       switch (n->value) {
-                       case NTAP_OPT_IRLEN:
-                               if (w > (jim_wide) (8 * sizeof(pTap->ir_capture_value)))
-                                       LOG_WARNING("%s: huge IR length %d",
-                                                       pTap->dotted_name,
-                                                       (int) w);
-                               pTap->ir_length = w;
-                               break;
-                       case NTAP_OPT_IRMASK:
-                               if (is_bad_irval(pTap->ir_length, w)) {
-                                       LOG_ERROR("%s: IR mask %x too big",
-                                                       pTap->dotted_name,
-                                                       (int) w);
-                                       free((void *)pTap->dotted_name);
-                                       free(pTap);
-                                       return ERROR_FAIL;
-                               }
-                               if ((w & 3) != 3)
-                                       LOG_WARNING("%s: nonstandard IR mask",
-                                                       pTap->dotted_name);
-                               pTap->ir_capture_mask = w;
-                               break;
-                       case NTAP_OPT_IRCAPTURE:
-                               if (is_bad_irval(pTap->ir_length, w)) {
-                                       LOG_ERROR("%s: IR capture %x too big",
-                                                       pTap->dotted_name,
-                                                       (int) w);
-                                       free((void *)pTap->dotted_name);
-                                       free(pTap);
-                                       return ERROR_FAIL;
-                               }
-                               if ((w & 3) != 1)
-                                       LOG_WARNING("%s: nonstandard IR value",
-                                                       pTap->dotted_name);
-                               pTap->ir_capture_value = w;
-                               break;
-                       }
-               } /* switch (n->value) */
-       } /* while (goi->argc) */
-       /* default is enabled-after-reset */
-       pTap->enabled = !pTap->disabled_after_reset;
-       /* Did all the required option bits get cleared? */
-       if (pTap->ir_length != 0)
-       {
-               jtag_tap_init(pTap);
-               return ERROR_OK;
-       }
-       Jim_SetResult_sprintf(goi->interp,
-                       "newtap: %s missing IR length",
-                       pTap->dotted_name);
-       jtag_tap_free(pTap);
-       return JIM_ERR;
-static void jtag_tap_handle_event(struct jtag_tap *tap, enum jtag_event e)
-       struct jtag_tap_event_action * jteap;
-       for (jteap = tap->event_action; jteap != NULL; jteap = jteap->next) {
-               if (jteap->event == e) {
-                       LOG_DEBUG("JTAG tap: %s event: %d (%s)\n\taction: %s",
-                                       tap->dotted_name,
-                                       e,
-                                       Jim_Nvp_value2name_simple(nvp_jtag_tap_event, e)->name,
-                                       Jim_GetString(jteap->body, NULL));
-                       if (Jim_EvalObj(interp, jteap->body) != JIM_OK) {
-                               Jim_PrintErrorMessage(interp);
-                       } else switch (e) {
-                       case JTAG_TAP_EVENT_ENABLE:
-                       case JTAG_TAP_EVENT_DISABLE:
-                               /* NOTE:  we currently assume the handlers
-                                * can't fail.  Right here is where we should
-                                * really be verifying the scan chains ...
-                                */
-                               tap->enabled = (e == JTAG_TAP_EVENT_ENABLE);
-                               LOG_INFO("JTAG tap: %s %s", tap->dotted_name,
-                                       tap->enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
-                               break;
-                       default:
-                               break;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-static int jim_jtag_command(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
-       Jim_GetOptInfo goi;
-       int e;
-       Jim_Nvp *n;
-       Jim_Obj *o;
-       struct command_context *context;
-       enum {
-               JTAG_CMD_INTERFACE,
-               JTAG_CMD_INIT,
-               JTAG_CMD_INIT_RESET,
-               JTAG_CMD_NEWTAP,
-               JTAG_CMD_TAPENABLE,
-               JTAG_CMD_TAPDISABLE,
-               JTAG_CMD_TAPISENABLED,
-               JTAG_CMD_CONFIGURE,
-               JTAG_CMD_CGET,
-               JTAG_CMD_NAMES,
-       };
-       const Jim_Nvp jtag_cmds[] = {
-               { .name = "interface"     , .value = JTAG_CMD_INTERFACE },
-               { .name = "arp_init"      , .value = JTAG_CMD_INIT },
-               { .name = "arp_init-reset", .value = JTAG_CMD_INIT_RESET },
-               { .name = "newtap"        , .value = JTAG_CMD_NEWTAP },
-               { .name = "tapisenabled"     , .value = JTAG_CMD_TAPISENABLED },
-               { .name = "tapenable"     , .value = JTAG_CMD_TAPENABLE },
-               { .name = "tapdisable"    , .value = JTAG_CMD_TAPDISABLE },
-               { .name = "configure"     , .value = JTAG_CMD_CONFIGURE },
-               { .name = "cget"          , .value = JTAG_CMD_CGET },
-               { .name = "names"         , .value = JTAG_CMD_NAMES },
-               { .name = NULL, .value = -1 },
-       };
-       context = Jim_GetAssocData(interp, "context");
-       /* go past the command */
-       Jim_GetOpt_Setup(&goi, interp, argc-1, argv + 1);
-       e = Jim_GetOpt_Nvp(&goi, jtag_cmds, &n);
-       if (e != JIM_OK) {
-               Jim_GetOpt_NvpUnknown(&goi, jtag_cmds, 0);
-               return e;
-       }
-               Jim_SetEmptyResult(goi.interp);
-       switch (n->value) {
-       case JTAG_CMD_INTERFACE:
-               /* return the name of the interface */
-               /* TCL code might need to know the exact type... */
-               /* FUTURE: we allow this as a means to "set" the interface. */
-               if (goi.argc != 0) {
-                       Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi.interp, 1, goi.argv-1, "(no params)");
-                       return JIM_ERR;
-               }
-               const char *name = jtag_interface ? jtag_interface->name : NULL;
-               Jim_SetResultString(goi.interp, name ? : "undefined", -1);
-               return JIM_OK;
-       case JTAG_CMD_INIT:
-               if (goi.argc != 0) {
-                       Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi.interp, 1, goi.argv-1, "(no params)");
-                       return JIM_ERR;
-               }
-               e = jtag_init_inner(context);
-               if (e != ERROR_OK) {
-                       Jim_SetResult_sprintf(goi.interp, "error: %d", e);
-                       return JIM_ERR;
-               }
-               return JIM_OK;
-       case JTAG_CMD_INIT_RESET:
-               if (goi.argc != 0) {
-                       Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi.interp, 1, goi.argv-1, "(no params)");
-                       return JIM_ERR;
-               }
-               e = jtag_init_reset(context);
-               if (e != ERROR_OK) {
-                       Jim_SetResult_sprintf(goi.interp, "error: %d", e);
-                       return JIM_ERR;
-               }
-               return JIM_OK;
-       case JTAG_CMD_NEWTAP:
-               return jim_newtap_cmd(&goi);
-               break;
-       case JTAG_CMD_TAPENABLE:
-               if (goi.argc != 1) {
-                       Jim_SetResultString(goi.interp, "Too many parameters",-1);
-                       return JIM_ERR;
-               }
-               {
-                       struct jtag_tap *t;
-                       t = jtag_tap_by_jim_obj(goi.interp, goi.argv[0]);
-                       if (t == NULL)
-                               return JIM_ERR;
-                       switch (n->value) {
-                       case JTAG_CMD_TAPISENABLED:
-                               break;
-                       case JTAG_CMD_TAPENABLE:
-                               if (t->enabled)
-                                       break;
-                               jtag_tap_handle_event(t, JTAG_TAP_EVENT_ENABLE);
-                               if (!t->enabled)
-                                       break;
-                               /* FIXME add JTAG sanity checks, w/o TLR
-                                *  - scan chain length grew by one (this)
-                                *  - IDs and IR lengths are as expected
-                                */
-                               jtag_call_event_callbacks(JTAG_TAP_EVENT_ENABLE);
-                               break;
-                       case JTAG_CMD_TAPDISABLE:
-                               if (!t->enabled)
-                                       break;
-                               jtag_tap_handle_event(t, JTAG_TAP_EVENT_DISABLE);
-                               if (t->enabled)
-                                       break;
-                               /* FIXME add JTAG sanity checks, w/o TLR
-                                *  - scan chain length shrank by one (this)
-                                *  - IDs and IR lengths are as expected
-                                */
-                               jtag_call_event_callbacks(JTAG_TAP_EVENT_DISABLE);
-                               break;
-                       }
-                       e = t->enabled;
-                       Jim_SetResult(goi.interp, Jim_NewIntObj(goi.interp, e));
-                       return JIM_OK;
-               }
-               break;
-       case JTAG_CMD_CGET:
-               if (goi.argc < 2) {
-                       Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi.interp, 0, NULL,
-                                       "cget tap_name queryparm");
-                       return JIM_ERR;
-               }
+                       }
+                       break;
+               case NTAP_OPT_VERSION:
+                       pTap->ignore_version = true;
+                       break;
+               } /* switch (n->value) */
+       } /* while (goi->argc) */
-               {
-                       struct jtag_tap *t;
+       /* default is enabled-after-reset */
+       pTap->enabled = !pTap->disabled_after_reset;
-                       Jim_GetOpt_Obj(&goi, &o);
-                       t = jtag_tap_by_jim_obj(goi.interp, o);
-                       if (t == NULL) {
-                               return JIM_ERR;
-                       }
+       /* Did all the required option bits get cleared? */
+       if (pTap->ir_length != 0)
+       {
+               jtag_tap_init(pTap);
+               return JIM_OK;
+       }
-                       goi.isconfigure = 0;
-                       return jtag_tap_configure_cmd(&goi, t);
-               }
-               break;
+       Jim_SetResult_sprintf(goi->interp,
+                       "newtap: %s missing IR length",
+                       pTap->dotted_name);
+       jtag_tap_free(pTap);
+       return JIM_ERR;
-       case JTAG_CMD_CONFIGURE:
-               if (goi.argc < 3) {
-                       Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi.interp, 0, NULL,
-                                       "configure tap_name attribute value ...");
-                       return JIM_ERR;
-               }
+static void jtag_tap_handle_event(struct jtag_tap *tap, enum jtag_event e)
+       struct jtag_tap_event_action * jteap;
-               {
-                       struct jtag_tap *t;
+       for (jteap = tap->event_action; jteap != NULL; jteap = jteap->next)
+       {
+               if (jteap->event != e)
+                       continue;
-                       Jim_GetOpt_Obj(&goi, &o);
-                       t = jtag_tap_by_jim_obj(goi.interp, o);
-                       if (t == NULL) {
-                               return JIM_ERR;
-                       }
+               Jim_Nvp *nvp = Jim_Nvp_value2name_simple(nvp_jtag_tap_event, e);
+               LOG_DEBUG("JTAG tap: %s event: %d (%s)\n\taction: %s",
+                               tap->dotted_name, e, nvp->name,
+                               Jim_GetString(jteap->body, NULL));
-                       goi.isconfigure = 1;
-                       return jtag_tap_configure_cmd(&goi, t);
+               if (Jim_EvalObj(jteap->interp, jteap->body) != JIM_OK)
+               {
+                       Jim_PrintErrorMessage(jteap->interp);
+                       continue;
-               break;
-       case JTAG_CMD_NAMES:
-               if (goi.argc != 0) {
-                       Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi.interp, 1, goi.argv, "Too many parameters");
-                       return JIM_ERR;
-               }
-               Jim_SetResult(goi.interp, Jim_NewListObj(goi.interp, NULL, 0));
+               switch (e)
-                       struct jtag_tap *tap;
-                       for (tap = jtag_all_taps(); tap; tap = tap->next_tap) {
-                               Jim_ListAppendElement(goi.interp,
-                                       Jim_GetResult(goi.interp),
-                                       Jim_NewStringObj(goi.interp,
-                                               tap->dotted_name, -1));
-                       }
-                       return JIM_OK;
+               case JTAG_TAP_EVENT_ENABLE:
+               case JTAG_TAP_EVENT_DISABLE:
+                       /* NOTE:  we currently assume the handlers
+                        * can't fail.  Right here is where we should
+                        * really be verifying the scan chains ...
+                        */
+                       tap->enabled = (e == JTAG_TAP_EVENT_ENABLE);
+                       LOG_INFO("JTAG tap: %s %s", tap->dotted_name,
+                               tap->enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       break;
-               break;
-       return JIM_ERR;
-void jtag_notify_event(enum jtag_event event)
+static int jim_jtag_arp_init(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
-       struct jtag_tap *tap;
-       for (tap = jtag_all_taps(); tap; tap = tap->next_tap)
-               jtag_tap_handle_event(tap, event);
+       Jim_GetOptInfo goi;
+       Jim_GetOpt_Setup(&goi, interp, argc-1, argv + 1);
+       if (goi.argc != 0) {
+               Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi.interp, 1, goi.argv-1, "(no params)");
+               return JIM_ERR;
+       }
+       struct command_context *context = Jim_GetAssocData(interp, "context");
+       int e = jtag_init_inner(context);
+       if (e != ERROR_OK) {
+               Jim_SetResult_sprintf(goi.interp, "error: %d", e);
+               return JIM_ERR;
+       }
+       return JIM_OK;
-static int default_khz(int khz, int *jtag_speed)
+static int jim_jtag_arp_init_reset(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
-       LOG_ERROR("Translation from khz to jtag_speed not implemented");
-       return ERROR_FAIL;
+       Jim_GetOptInfo goi;
+       Jim_GetOpt_Setup(&goi, interp, argc-1, argv + 1);
+       if (goi.argc != 0) {
+               Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi.interp, 1, goi.argv-1, "(no params)");
+               return JIM_ERR;
+       }
+       struct command_context *context = Jim_GetAssocData(interp, "context");
+       int e = jtag_init_reset(context);
+       if (e != ERROR_OK) {
+               Jim_SetResult_sprintf(goi.interp, "error: %d", e);
+               return JIM_ERR;
+       }
+       return JIM_OK;
-static int default_speed_div(int speed, int *khz)
+static int jim_jtag_newtap(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
-       LOG_ERROR("Translation from jtag_speed to khz not implemented");
-       return ERROR_FAIL;
+       Jim_GetOptInfo goi;
+       Jim_GetOpt_Setup(&goi, interp, argc-1, argv + 1);
+       return jim_newtap_cmd(&goi);
-static int default_power_dropout(int *dropout)
+static bool jtag_tap_enable(struct jtag_tap *t)
-       *dropout = 0; /* by default we can't detect power dropout */
-       return ERROR_OK;
+       if (t->enabled)
+               return false;
+       jtag_tap_handle_event(t, JTAG_TAP_EVENT_ENABLE);
+       if (!t->enabled)
+               return false;
+       /* FIXME add JTAG sanity checks, w/o TLR
+        *  - scan chain length grew by one (this)
+        *  - IDs and IR lengths are as expected
+        */
+       jtag_call_event_callbacks(JTAG_TAP_EVENT_ENABLE);
+       return true;
+static bool jtag_tap_disable(struct jtag_tap *t)
+       if (!t->enabled)
+               return false;
+       jtag_tap_handle_event(t, JTAG_TAP_EVENT_DISABLE);
+       if (t->enabled)
+               return false;
+       /* FIXME add JTAG sanity checks, w/o TLR
+        *  - scan chain length shrank by one (this)
+        *  - IDs and IR lengths are as expected
+        */
+       jtag_call_event_callbacks(JTAG_TAP_EVENT_DISABLE);
+       return true;
-static int default_srst_asserted(int *srst_asserted)
+static int jim_jtag_tap_enabler(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
-       *srst_asserted = 0; /* by default we can't detect srst asserted */
-       return ERROR_OK;
+       const char *cmd_name = Jim_GetString(argv[0], NULL);
+       Jim_GetOptInfo goi;
+       Jim_GetOpt_Setup(&goi, interp, argc-1, argv + 1);
+       if (goi.argc != 1) {
+               Jim_SetResult_sprintf(goi.interp, "usage: %s <name>", cmd_name);
+               return JIM_ERR;
+       }
+       struct jtag_tap *t;
+       t = jtag_tap_by_jim_obj(goi.interp, goi.argv[0]);
+       if (t == NULL)
+               return JIM_ERR;
+       if (strcasecmp(cmd_name, "tapisenabled") == 0) {
+               // do nothing, just return the value
+       } else if (strcasecmp(cmd_name, "tapenable") == 0) {
+               if (!jtag_tap_enable(t))
+                       LOG_WARNING("failed to disable tap");
+       } else if (strcasecmp(cmd_name, "tapdisable") == 0) {
+               if (!jtag_tap_disable(t))
+                       LOG_WARNING("failed to disable tap");
+       } else {
+               LOG_ERROR("command '%s' unknown", cmd_name);
+               return JIM_ERR;
+       }
+       bool e = t->enabled;
+       Jim_SetResult(goi.interp, Jim_NewIntObj(goi.interp, e));
+       return JIM_OK;
+static int jim_jtag_configure(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
-       if (strcmp(CMD_NAME, "interface_list") == 0 && CMD_ARGC > 0)
-               return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR;
+       const char *cmd_name = Jim_GetString(argv[0], NULL);
+       Jim_GetOptInfo goi;
+       Jim_GetOpt_Setup(&goi, interp, argc-1, argv + 1);
+       goi.isconfigure = !strcmp(cmd_name, "configure");
+       if (goi.argc < 2 + goi.isconfigure) {
+               Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi.interp, 0, NULL,
+                               "<tap_name> <attribute> ...");
+               return JIM_ERR;
+       }
-       command_print(CMD_CTX, "The following JTAG interfaces are available:");
-       for (unsigned i = 0; NULL != jtag_interfaces[i]; i++)
-       {
-               const char *name = jtag_interfaces[i]->name;
-               command_print(CMD_CTX, "%u: %s", i + 1, name);
+       struct jtag_tap *t;
+       Jim_Obj *o;
+       Jim_GetOpt_Obj(&goi, &o);
+       t = jtag_tap_by_jim_obj(goi.interp, o);
+       if (t == NULL) {
+               return JIM_ERR;
-       return ERROR_OK;
+       return jtag_tap_configure_cmd(&goi, t);
+static int jim_jtag_names(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv)
-       /* check whether the interface is already configured */
-       if (jtag_interface)
-       {
-               LOG_WARNING("Interface already configured, ignoring");
-               return ERROR_OK;
+       Jim_GetOptInfo goi;
+       Jim_GetOpt_Setup(&goi, interp, argc-1, argv + 1);
+       if (goi.argc != 0) {
+               Jim_WrongNumArgs(goi.interp, 1, goi.argv, "Too many parameters");
+               return JIM_ERR;
+       }
+       Jim_SetResult(goi.interp, Jim_NewListObj(goi.interp, NULL, 0));
+       struct jtag_tap *tap;
+       for (tap = jtag_all_taps(); tap; tap = tap->next_tap) {
+               Jim_ListAppendElement(goi.interp,
+                       Jim_GetResult(goi.interp),
+                       Jim_NewStringObj(goi.interp,
+                               tap->dotted_name, -1));
+       return JIM_OK;
-       /* interface name is a mandatory argument */
-       if (CMD_ARGC != 1 || CMD_ARGV[0][0] == '\0')
+       if (CMD_ARGC != 0)
                return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR;
-       for (unsigned i = 0; NULL != jtag_interfaces[i]; i++)
+       static bool jtag_initialized = false;
+       if (jtag_initialized)
-               if (strcmp(CMD_ARGV[0], jtag_interfaces[i]->name) != 0)
-                       continue;
-               if (NULL != jtag_interfaces[i]->register_commands)
-               {
-                       int retval = jtag_interfaces[i]->register_commands(CMD_CTX);
-                       if (ERROR_OK != retval)
-                               return retval;
-               }
+               LOG_INFO("'jtag init' has already been called");
+               return ERROR_OK;
+       }
+       jtag_initialized = true;
-               jtag_interface = jtag_interfaces[i];
+       LOG_DEBUG("Initializing jtag devices...");
+       return jtag_init(CMD_CTX);
-               if (jtag_interface->khz == NULL)
-                       jtag_interface->khz = default_khz;
-               if (jtag_interface->speed_div == NULL)
-                       jtag_interface->speed_div = default_speed_div;
-               if (jtag_interface->power_dropout == NULL)
-                       jtag_interface->power_dropout = default_power_dropout;
-               if (jtag_interface->srst_asserted == NULL)
-                       jtag_interface->srst_asserted = default_srst_asserted;
+static const struct command_registration jtag_subcommand_handlers[] = {
+       {
+               .name = "init",
+               .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
+               .handler = handle_jtag_init_command,
+               .help = "initialize jtag scan chain",
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "arp_init",
+               .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
+               .jim_handler = jim_jtag_arp_init,
+               .help = "Validates JTAG scan chain against the list of "
+                       "declared TAPs using just the four standard JTAG "
+                       "signals.",
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "arp_init-reset",
+               .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
+               .jim_handler = jim_jtag_arp_init_reset,
+               .help = "Uses TRST and SRST to try resetting everything on "
+                       "the JTAG scan chain, then performs 'jtag arp_init'."
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "newtap",
+               .mode = COMMAND_CONFIG,
+               .jim_handler = jim_jtag_newtap,
+               .help = "Create a new TAP instance named basename.tap_type, "
+                       "and appends it to the scan chain.",
+               .usage = "basename tap_type '-irlen' count "
+                       "['-enable'|'-disable'] "
+                       "['-expected_id' number] "
+                       "['-ignore-version'] "
+                       "['-ircapture' number] "
+                       "['-mask' number] ",
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "tapisenabled",
+               .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+               .jim_handler = jim_jtag_tap_enabler,
+               .help = "Returns a Tcl boolean (0/1) indicating whether "
+                       "the TAP is enabled (1) or not (0).",
+               .usage = "tap_name",
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "tapenable",
+               .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+               .jim_handler = jim_jtag_tap_enabler,
+               .help = "Try to enable the specified TAP using the "
+                       "'tap-enable' TAP event.",
+               .usage = "tap_name",
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "tapdisable",
+               .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+               .jim_handler = jim_jtag_tap_enabler,
+               .help = "Try to disable the specified TAP using the "
+                       "'tap-disable' TAP event.",
+               .usage = "tap_name",
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "configure",
+               .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+               .jim_handler = jim_jtag_configure,
+               .help = "Provide a Tcl handler for the specified "
+                       "TAP event.",
+               .usage = "tap_name '-event' event_name handler",
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "cget",
+               .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+               .jim_handler = jim_jtag_configure,
+               .help = "Return any Tcl handler for the specified "
+                       "TAP event.",
+               .usage = "tap_name '-event' event_name",
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "names",
+               .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
+               .jim_handler = jim_jtag_names,
+               .help = "Returns list of all JTAG tap names.",
+       },
+       {
+               .chain = jtag_command_handlers_to_move,
+       },
-               return ERROR_OK;
-       }
+void jtag_notify_event(enum jtag_event event)
+       struct jtag_tap *tap;
-       /* no valid interface was found (i.e. the configuration option,
-        * didn't match one of the compiled-in interfaces
-        */
-       LOG_ERROR("The specified JTAG interface was not found (%s)", CMD_ARGV[0]);
-       CALL_COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_interface_list_command);
+       for (tap = jtag_all_taps(); tap; tap = tap->next_tap)
+               jtag_tap_handle_event(tap, event);
        struct jtag_tap *tap;
+       char expected_id[12];
        tap = jtag_all_taps();
-       command_print(CMD_CTX, "     TapName            | Enabled |   IdCode      Expected    IrLen IrCap  IrMask Instr     ");
-       command_print(CMD_CTX, "---|--------------------|---------|------------|------------|------|------|------|---------");
+       command_print(CMD_CTX,
+"   TapName             Enabled  IdCode     Expected   IrLen IrCap IrMask");
+       command_print(CMD_CTX,
+"-- ------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- ----- ----- ------");
        while (tap) {
-               uint32_t expected, expected_mask, cur_instr, ii;
+               uint32_t expected, expected_mask, ii;
+               snprintf(expected_id, sizeof expected_id, "0x%08x",
+                               (unsigned)((tap->expected_ids_cnt > 0)
+                                       ? tap->expected_ids[0]
+                                       : 0));
+               if (tap->ignore_version)
+                       expected_id[2] = '*';
                expected = buf_get_u32(tap->expected, 0, tap->ir_length);
                expected_mask = buf_get_u32(tap->expected_mask, 0, tap->ir_length);
-               cur_instr = buf_get_u32(tap->cur_instr, 0, tap->ir_length);
-                                         "%2d | %-18s |    %c    | 0x%08x | 0x%08x | 0x%02x | 0x%02x | 0x%02x | 0x%02x",
+       "%2d %-18s     %c     0x%08x %s %5d 0x%02x  0x%02x",
                                          tap->enabled ? 'Y' : 'n',
                                          (unsigned int)(tap->idcode),
-                                         (unsigned int)(tap->expected_ids_cnt > 0 ? tap->expected_ids[0] : 0),
+                                         expected_id,
                                          (unsigned int)(tap->ir_length),
                                          (unsigned int)(expected),
-                                         (unsigned int)(expected_mask),
-                                         (unsigned int)(cur_instr));
+                                         (unsigned int)(expected_mask));
                for (ii = 1; ii < tap->expected_ids_cnt; ii++) {
-                       command_print(CMD_CTX, "   |                    |         |            | 0x%08x |      |      |      |         ",
-                                                 (unsigned int)(tap->expected_ids[ii]));
+                       snprintf(expected_id, sizeof expected_id, "0x%08x",
+                                       (unsigned) tap->expected_ids[1]);
+                       if (tap->ignore_version)
+                               expected_id[2] = '*';
+                       command_print(CMD_CTX,
+       "                                           %s",
+                                                 expected_id);
                tap = tap->next_tap;
@@ -702,217 +990,6 @@ COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_scan_chain_command)
        return ERROR_OK;
-       int new_cfg = 0;
-       int mask = 0;
-       /* Original versions cared about the order of these tokens:
-        *   reset_config signals [combination [trst_type [srst_type]]]
-        * They also clobbered the previous configuration even on error.
-        *
-        * Here we don't care about the order, and only change values
-        * which have been explicitly specified.
-        */
-       for (; CMD_ARGC; CMD_ARGC--, CMD_ARGV++) {
-               int tmp = 0;
-               int m;
-               /* gating */
-               m = RESET_SRST_NO_GATING;
-               if (strcmp(*CMD_ARGV, "srst_gates_jtag") == 0)
-                       /* default: don't use JTAG while SRST asserted */;
-               else if (strcmp(*CMD_ARGV, "srst_nogate") == 0)
-                       tmp = RESET_SRST_NO_GATING;
-               else
-                       m = 0;
-               if (mask & m) {
-                       LOG_ERROR("extra reset_config %s spec (%s)",
-                                       "gating", *CMD_ARGV);
-                       return ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS;
-               }
-               if (m)
-                       goto next;
-               /* signals */
-               m = RESET_HAS_TRST | RESET_HAS_SRST;
-               if (strcmp(*CMD_ARGV, "none") == 0)
-                       tmp = RESET_NONE;
-               else if (strcmp(*CMD_ARGV, "trst_only") == 0)
-                       tmp = RESET_HAS_TRST;
-               else if (strcmp(*CMD_ARGV, "srst_only") == 0)
-                       tmp = RESET_HAS_SRST;
-               else if (strcmp(*CMD_ARGV, "trst_and_srst") == 0)
-                       tmp = RESET_HAS_TRST | RESET_HAS_SRST;
-               else
-                       m = 0;
-               if (mask & m) {
-                       LOG_ERROR("extra reset_config %s spec (%s)",
-                                       "signal", *CMD_ARGV);
-                       return ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS;
-               }
-               if (m)
-                       goto next;
-               /* combination (options for broken wiring) */
-               if (strcmp(*CMD_ARGV, "separate") == 0)
-                       /* separate reset lines - default */;
-               else if (strcmp(*CMD_ARGV, "srst_pulls_trst") == 0)
-                       tmp |= RESET_SRST_PULLS_TRST;
-               else if (strcmp(*CMD_ARGV, "trst_pulls_srst") == 0)
-                       tmp |= RESET_TRST_PULLS_SRST;
-               else if (strcmp(*CMD_ARGV, "combined") == 0)
-                       tmp |= RESET_SRST_PULLS_TRST | RESET_TRST_PULLS_SRST;
-               else
-                       m = 0;
-               if (mask & m) {
-                       LOG_ERROR("extra reset_config %s spec (%s)",
-                                       "combination", *CMD_ARGV);
-                       return ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS;
-               }
-               if (m)
-                       goto next;
-               /* trst_type (NOP without HAS_TRST) */
-               m = RESET_TRST_OPEN_DRAIN;
-               if (strcmp(*CMD_ARGV, "trst_open_drain") == 0)
-                       tmp |= RESET_TRST_OPEN_DRAIN;
-               else if (strcmp(*CMD_ARGV, "trst_push_pull") == 0)
-                       /* push/pull from adapter - default */;
-               else
-                       m = 0;
-               if (mask & m) {
-                       LOG_ERROR("extra reset_config %s spec (%s)",
-                                       "trst_type", *CMD_ARGV);
-                       return ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS;
-               }
-               if (m)
-                       goto next;
-               /* srst_type (NOP without HAS_SRST) */
-               m |= RESET_SRST_PUSH_PULL;
-               if (strcmp(*CMD_ARGV, "srst_push_pull") == 0)
-                       tmp |= RESET_SRST_PUSH_PULL;
-               else if (strcmp(*CMD_ARGV, "srst_open_drain") == 0)
-                       /* open drain from adapter - default */;
-               else
-                       m = 0;
-               if (mask & m) {
-                       LOG_ERROR("extra reset_config %s spec (%s)",
-                                       "srst_type", *CMD_ARGV);
-                       return ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS;
-               }
-               if (m)
-                       goto next;
-               /* caller provided nonsense; fail */
-               LOG_ERROR("unknown reset_config flag (%s)", *CMD_ARGV);
-               return ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS;
-               /* Remember the bits which were specified (mask)
-                * and their new values (new_cfg).
-                */
-               mask |= m;
-               new_cfg |= tmp;
-       }
-       /* clear previous values of those bits, save new values */
-       if (mask) {
-               int old_cfg = jtag_get_reset_config();
-               old_cfg &= ~mask;
-               new_cfg |= old_cfg;
-               jtag_set_reset_config(new_cfg);
-       } else
-               new_cfg = jtag_get_reset_config();
-       /*
-        * Display the (now-)current reset mode
-        */
-       char *modes[5];
-       /* minimal JTAG has neither SRST nor TRST (so that's the default) */
-       switch (new_cfg & (RESET_HAS_TRST | RESET_HAS_SRST)) {
-       case RESET_HAS_SRST:
-               modes[0] = "srst_only";
-               break;
-       case RESET_HAS_TRST:
-               modes[0] = "trst_only";
-               break;
-       case RESET_TRST_AND_SRST:
-               modes[0] = "trst_and_srst";
-               break;
-       default:
-               modes[0] = "none";
-               break;
-       }
-       /* normally SRST and TRST are decoupled; but bugs happen ... */
-       switch (new_cfg & (RESET_SRST_PULLS_TRST | RESET_TRST_PULLS_SRST)) {
-               modes[1] = "srst_pulls_trst";
-               break;
-               modes[1] = "trst_pulls_srst";
-               break;
-               modes[1] = "combined";
-               break;
-       default:
-               modes[1] = "separate";
-               break;
-       }
-       /* TRST-less connectors include Altera, Xilinx, and minimal JTAG */
-       if (new_cfg & RESET_HAS_TRST) {
-               if (new_cfg & RESET_TRST_OPEN_DRAIN)
-                       modes[3] = " trst_open_drain";
-               else
-                       modes[3] = " trst_push_pull";
-       } else
-               modes[3] = "";
-       /* SRST-less connectors include TI-14, Xilinx, and minimal JTAG */
-       if (new_cfg & RESET_HAS_SRST) {
-               if (new_cfg & RESET_SRST_NO_GATING)
-                       modes[2] = " srst_nogate";
-               else
-                       modes[2] = " srst_gates_jtag";
-               if (new_cfg & RESET_SRST_PUSH_PULL)
-                       modes[4] = " srst_push_pull";
-               else
-                       modes[4] = " srst_open_drain";
-       } else {
-               modes[2] = "";
-               modes[4] = "";
-       }
-       command_print(CMD_CTX, "%s %s%s%s%s",
-                       modes[0], modes[1],
-                       modes[2], modes[3], modes[4]);
-       return ERROR_OK;
-       if (CMD_ARGC > 1)
-               return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR;
-       if (CMD_ARGC == 1)
-       {
-               unsigned delay;
-               COMMAND_PARSE_NUMBER(uint, CMD_ARGV[0], delay);
-               jtag_set_nsrst_delay(delay);
-       }
-       command_print(CMD_CTX, "jtag_nsrst_delay: %u", jtag_get_nsrst_delay());
-       return ERROR_OK;
        if (CMD_ARGC > 1)
@@ -928,63 +1005,19 @@ COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_jtag_ntrst_delay_command)
        return ERROR_OK;
-       if (CMD_ARGC > 1)
-               return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR;
-       if (CMD_ARGC == 1)
-       {
-               unsigned delay;
-               COMMAND_PARSE_NUMBER(uint, CMD_ARGV[0], delay);
-               jtag_set_nsrst_assert_width(delay);
-       }
-       command_print(CMD_CTX, "jtag_nsrst_assert_width: %u", jtag_get_nsrst_assert_width());
-       return ERROR_OK;
        if (CMD_ARGC > 1)
-               return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR;
-       if (CMD_ARGC == 1)
-       {
-               unsigned delay;
-               COMMAND_PARSE_NUMBER(uint, CMD_ARGV[0], delay);
-               jtag_set_ntrst_assert_width(delay);
-       }
-       command_print(CMD_CTX, "jtag_ntrst_assert_width: %u", jtag_get_ntrst_assert_width());
-       return ERROR_OK;
-       if (CMD_ARGC > 1)
-               return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR;
-       int retval = ERROR_OK;
+               return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR;
        if (CMD_ARGC == 1)
-               unsigned khz = 0;
-               COMMAND_PARSE_NUMBER(uint, CMD_ARGV[0], khz);
+               unsigned delay;
+               COMMAND_PARSE_NUMBER(uint, CMD_ARGV[0], delay);
-               retval = jtag_config_khz(khz);
-               if (ERROR_OK != retval)
-                       return retval;
+               jtag_set_ntrst_assert_width(delay);
-       int cur_speed = jtag_get_speed_khz();
-       retval = jtag_get_speed_readable(&cur_speed);
-       if (ERROR_OK != retval)
-               return retval;
-       if (cur_speed)
-               command_print(CMD_CTX, "%d kHz", cur_speed);
-       else
-               command_print(CMD_CTX, "RCLK - adaptive");
-       return retval;
+       command_print(CMD_CTX, "jtag_ntrst_assert_width: %u", jtag_get_ntrst_assert_width());
+       return ERROR_OK;
@@ -1037,7 +1070,7 @@ COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_jtag_reset_command)
                return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR;
-       if (jtag_interface_init(CMD_CTX) != ERROR_OK)
+       if (adapter_init(CMD_CTX) != ERROR_OK)
                return ERROR_JTAG_INIT_FAILED;
        jtag_add_reset(trst, srst);
@@ -1063,26 +1096,12 @@ COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_runtest_command)
  * Not surprisingly, this is the same constraint as SVF; the "irscan"
  * and "drscan" commands are a write-only subset of what SVF provides.
-static bool scan_is_safe(tap_state_t state)
-       switch (state)
-       {
-       case TAP_RESET:
-       case TAP_IDLE:
-       case TAP_DRPAUSE:
-       case TAP_IRPAUSE:
-               return true;
-       default:
-               return false;
-       }
        int i;
        struct scan_field *fields;
-       struct jtag_tap *tap;
+       struct jtag_tap *tap = NULL;
        tap_state_t endstate;
        if ((CMD_ARGC < 2) || (CMD_ARGC % 2))
@@ -1111,6 +1130,15 @@ COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_irscan_command)
        int num_fields = CMD_ARGC / 2;
+       if (num_fields > 1)
+       {
+               /* we really should be looking at plain_ir_scan if we want
+                * anything more fancy.
+                */
+               LOG_ERROR("Specify a single value for tap");
+               return ERROR_COMMAND_SYNTAX_ERROR;
+       }
        size_t fields_len = sizeof(struct scan_field) * num_fields;
        fields = malloc(fields_len);
        memset(fields, 0, fields_len);
@@ -1123,14 +1151,13 @@ COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_irscan_command)
                        int j;
                        for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
-                               free(fields[j].out_value);
+                               free((void *)fields[j].out_value);
                        command_print(CMD_CTX, "Tap: %s unknown", CMD_ARGV[i*2]);
                        return ERROR_FAIL;
                int field_size = tap->ir_length;
-               fields[i].tap = tap;
                fields[i].num_bits = field_size;
                fields[i].out_value = malloc(DIV_ROUND_UP(field_size, 8));
@@ -1138,12 +1165,13 @@ COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_irscan_command)
                retval = parse_u32(CMD_ARGV[i * 2 + 1], &value);
                if (ERROR_OK != retval)
                        goto error_return;
-               buf_set_u32(fields[i].out_value, 0, field_size, value);
+void *v = (void *)fields[i].out_value;
+               buf_set_u32(v, 0, field_size, value);
                fields[i].in_value = NULL;
        /* did we have an endstate? */
-       jtag_add_ir_scan(num_fields, fields, endstate);
+       jtag_add_ir_scan(tap, fields, endstate);
        retval = jtag_execute_queue();
@@ -1151,7 +1179,7 @@ error_return:
        for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++)
                if (NULL != fields[i].out_value)
-                       free(fields[i].out_value);
+                       free((void *)fields[i].out_value);
        free (fields);
@@ -1159,199 +1187,6 @@ error_return:
        return retval;
-static int Jim_Command_drscan(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *args)
-       int retval;
-       struct scan_field *fields;
-       int num_fields;
-       int field_count = 0;
-       int i, e;
-       struct jtag_tap *tap;
-       tap_state_t endstate;
-       /* args[1] = device
-        * args[2] = num_bits
-        * args[3] = hex string
-        * ... repeat num bits and hex string ...
-        *
-        * .. optionally:
-       *     args[N-2] = "-endstate"
-        *     args[N-1] = statename
-        */
-       if ((argc < 4) || ((argc % 2) != 0))
-       {
-               Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "wrong arguments");
-               return JIM_ERR;
-       }
-       endstate = TAP_IDLE;
-       script_debug(interp, "drscan", argc, args);
-       /* validate arguments as numbers */
-       e = JIM_OK;
-       for (i = 2; i < argc; i += 2)
-       {
-               long bits;
-               const char *cp;
-               e = Jim_GetLong(interp, args[i], &bits);
-               /* If valid - try next arg */
-               if (e == JIM_OK) {
-                       continue;
-               }
-               /* Not valid.. are we at the end? */
-               if (((i + 2) != argc)) {
-                       /* nope, then error */
-                       return e;
-               }
-               /* it could be: "-endstate FOO"
-                * e.g. DRPAUSE so we can issue more instructions
-                * before entering RUN/IDLE and executing them.
-                */
-               /* get arg as a string. */
-               cp = Jim_GetString(args[i], NULL);
-               /* is it the magic? */
-               if (0 == strcmp("-endstate", cp)) {
-                       /* is the statename valid? */
-                       cp = Jim_GetString(args[i + 1], NULL);
-                       /* see if it is a valid state name */
-                       endstate = tap_state_by_name(cp);
-                       if (endstate < 0) {
-                               /* update the error message */
-                               Jim_SetResult_sprintf(interp,"endstate: %s invalid", cp);
-                       } else {
-                               if (!scan_is_safe(endstate))
-                                       LOG_WARNING("drscan with unsafe "
-                                                       "endstate \"%s\"", cp);
-                               /* valid - so clear the error */
-                               e = JIM_OK;
-                               /* and remove the last 2 args */
-                               argc -= 2;
-                       }
-               }
-               /* Still an error? */
-               if (e != JIM_OK) {
-                       return e; /* too bad */
-               }
-       } /* validate args */
-       tap = jtag_tap_by_jim_obj(interp, args[1]);
-       if (tap == NULL) {
-               return JIM_ERR;
-       }
-       num_fields = (argc-2)/2;
-       fields = malloc(sizeof(struct scan_field) * num_fields);
-       for (i = 2; i < argc; i += 2)
-       {
-               long bits;
-               int len;
-               const char *str;
-               Jim_GetLong(interp, args[i], &bits);
-               str = Jim_GetString(args[i + 1], &len);
-               fields[field_count].tap = tap;
-               fields[field_count].num_bits = bits;
-               fields[field_count].out_value = malloc(DIV_ROUND_UP(bits, 8));
-               str_to_buf(str, len, fields[field_count].out_value, bits, 0);
-               fields[field_count].in_value = fields[field_count].out_value;
-               field_count++;
-       }
-       jtag_add_dr_scan(num_fields, fields, endstate);
-       retval = jtag_execute_queue();
-       if (retval != ERROR_OK)
-       {
-               Jim_SetResultString(interp, "drscan: jtag execute failed",-1);
-               return JIM_ERR;
-       }
-       field_count = 0;
-       Jim_Obj *list = Jim_NewListObj(interp, NULL, 0);
-       for (i = 2; i < argc; i += 2)
-       {
-               long bits;
-               char *str;
-               Jim_GetLong(interp, args[i], &bits);
-               str = buf_to_str(fields[field_count].in_value, bits, 16);
-               free(fields[field_count].out_value);
-               Jim_ListAppendElement(interp, list, Jim_NewStringObj(interp, str, strlen(str)));
-               free(str);
-               field_count++;
-       }
-       Jim_SetResult(interp, list);
-       free(fields);
-       return JIM_OK;
-static int Jim_Command_pathmove(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *args)
-       tap_state_t states[8];
-       if ((argc < 2) || ((size_t)argc > (sizeof(states)/sizeof(*states) + 1)))
-       {
-               Jim_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, args, "wrong arguments");
-               return JIM_ERR;
-       }
-       script_debug(interp, "pathmove", argc, args);
-       int i;
-       for (i = 0; i < argc-1; i++)
-       {
-               const char *cp;
-               cp = Jim_GetString(args[i + 1], NULL);
-               states[i] = tap_state_by_name(cp);
-               if (states[i] < 0)
-               {
-                       /* update the error message */
-                       Jim_SetResult_sprintf(interp,"endstate: %s invalid", cp);
-                       return JIM_ERR;
-               }
-       }
-       if ((jtag_add_statemove(states[0]) != ERROR_OK) || (jtag_execute_queue()!= ERROR_OK))
-       {
-               Jim_SetResultString(interp, "pathmove: jtag execute failed",-1);
-               return JIM_ERR;
-       }
-       jtag_add_pathmove(argc-2, states + 1);
-       if (jtag_execute_queue()!= ERROR_OK)
-       {
-               Jim_SetResultString(interp, "pathmove: failed",-1);
-               return JIM_ERR;
-       }
-       return JIM_OK;
-static int Jim_Command_flush_count(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *args)
-       script_debug(interp, "flush_count", argc, args);
-       Jim_SetResult(interp, Jim_NewIntObj(interp, jtag_get_flush_queue_count()));
-       return JIM_OK;
@@ -1414,140 +1249,99 @@ COMMAND_HANDLER(handle_tms_sequence_command)
 static const struct command_registration jtag_command_handlers[] = {
-       {
-               .name = "interface",
-               .handler = &handle_interface_command,
-               .mode = COMMAND_CONFIG,
-               .help = "select a JTAG interface",
-               .usage = "<driver_name>",
-       },
-       {
-               .name = "interface_list",
-               .handler = &handle_interface_list_command,
-               .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
-               .help = "list all built-in interfaces",
-       },
-       {
-               .name = "jtag_khz",
-               .handler = &handle_jtag_khz_command,
-               .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
-               .help = "set maximum jtag speed (if supported)",
-               .usage = "<khz:0=rtck>",
-       },
                .name = "jtag_rclk",
-               .handler = &handle_jtag_rclk_command,
-               .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
-               .help = "set JTAG speed to RCLK or use fallback speed",
-               .usage = "<fallback_speed_khz>",
-       },
-       {
-               .name = "reset_config",
-               .handler = &handle_reset_config_command,
+               .handler = handle_jtag_rclk_command,
                .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
-               .help = "configure JTAG reset behavior",
-               .usage = "[none|trst_only|srst_only|trst_and_srst] "
-                       "[srst_pulls_trst|trst_pulls_srst|combined|separate] "
-                       "[srst_gates_jtag|srst_nogate] "
-                       "[trst_push_pull|trst_open_drain] "
-                       "[srst_push_pull|srst_open_drain]",
-       },
-       {
-               .name = "jtag_nsrst_delay",
-               .handler = &handle_jtag_nsrst_delay_command,
-               .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
-               .help = "delay after deasserting srst in ms",
-               .usage = "<ms>",
+               .help = "With an argument, change to to use adaptive clocking "
+                       "if possible; else to use the fallback speed.  "
+                       "With or without argument, display current setting.",
+               .usage = "[fallback_speed_khz]",
                .name = "jtag_ntrst_delay",
-               .handler = &handle_jtag_ntrst_delay_command,
+               .handler = handle_jtag_ntrst_delay_command,
                .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
                .help = "delay after deasserting trst in ms",
-               .usage = "<ms>"
-       },
-       {
-               .name = "jtag_nsrst_assert_width",
-               .handler = &handle_jtag_nsrst_assert_width_command,
-               .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
-               .help = "delay after asserting srst in ms",
-               .usage = "<ms>"
+               .usage = "[milliseconds]",
                .name = "jtag_ntrst_assert_width",
-               .handler = &handle_jtag_ntrst_assert_width_command,
+               .handler = handle_jtag_ntrst_assert_width_command,
                .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
                .help = "delay after asserting trst in ms",
-               .usage = "<ms>"
+               .usage = "[milliseconds]",
                .name = "scan_chain",
-               .handler = &handle_scan_chain_command,
-               .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
+               .handler = handle_scan_chain_command,
+               .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
                .help = "print current scan chain configuration",
                .name = "jtag_reset",
-               .handler = &handle_jtag_reset_command,
+               .handler = handle_jtag_reset_command,
                .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
-               .help = "toggle reset lines",
-               .usage = "<trst> <srst>",
+               .help = "Set reset line values.  Value '1' is active, "
+                       "value '0' is inactive.",
+               .usage = "trst_active srst_active",
                .name = "runtest",
-               .handler = &handle_runtest_command,
+               .handler = handle_runtest_command,
                .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
-               .help = "move to Run-Test/Idle, and execute <num_cycles>",
-               .usage = "<num_cycles>"
+               .help = "Move to Run-Test/Idle, and issue TCK for num_cycles.",
+               .usage = "num_cycles"
                .name = "irscan",
-               .handler = &handle_irscan_command,
+               .handler = handle_irscan_command,
                .mode = COMMAND_EXEC,
-               .help = "execute IR scan",
-               .usage = "<device> <instr> [dev2] [instr2] ...",
+               .help = "Execute Instruction Register (DR) scan.  The "
+                       "specified opcodes are put into each TAP's IR, "
+                       "and other TAPs are put in BYPASS.",
+               .usage = "[tap_name instruction]* ['-endstate' state_name]",
                .name = "verify_ircapture",
-               .handler = &handle_verify_ircapture_command,
+               .handler = handle_verify_ircapture_command,
                .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
-               .help = "verify value captured during Capture-IR",
-               .usage = "<enable | disable>",
+               .help = "Display or assign flag controlling whether to "
+                       "verify values captured during Capture-IR.",
+               .usage = "['enable'|'disable']",
                .name = "verify_jtag",
-               .handler = &handle_verify_jtag_command,
+               .handler = handle_verify_jtag_command,
                .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
-               .help = "verify value capture",
-               .usage = "<enable | disable>",
+               .help = "Display or assign flag controlling whether to "
+                       "verify values captured during IR and DR scans.",
+               .usage = "['enable'|'disable']",
                .name = "tms_sequence",
-               .handler = &handle_tms_sequence_command,
+               .handler = handle_tms_sequence_command,
                .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
-               .help = "choose short(default) or long tms_sequence",
-               .usage = "<short | long>",
+               .help = "Display or change what style TMS sequences to use "
+                       "for JTAG state transitions:  short (default) or "
+                       "long.  Only for working around JTAG bugs.",
+                       /* Specifically for working around DRIVER bugs... */
+               .usage = "['short'|'long']",
+       },
+       {
+               .name = "jtag",
+               .mode = COMMAND_ANY,
+               .help = "perform jtag tap actions",
+               .chain = jtag_subcommand_handlers,
+       },
+       {
+               .chain = jtag_command_handlers_to_move,
 int jtag_register_commands(struct command_context *cmd_ctx)
-       register_jim(cmd_ctx, "jtag", jim_jtag_command,
-                       "perform jtag tap actions");
-       register_jim(cmd_ctx, "drscan", Jim_Command_drscan,
-                       "execute DR scan <device> "
-                       "<num_bits> <value> <num_bits1> <value2> ...");
-       register_jim(cmd_ctx, "flush_count", Jim_Command_flush_count,
-                       "returns number of times the JTAG queue has been flushed");
-       register_jim(cmd_ctx, "pathmove", Jim_Command_pathmove,
-                       "<state1>,<state2>,<state3>... "
-                       "- move JTAG to state1 then to state2, state3, etc.");
        return register_commands(cmd_ctx, NULL, jtag_command_handlers);

Linking to existing account procedure

If you already have an account and want to add another login method you MUST first sign in with your existing account and then change URL to read https://review.openocd.org/login/?link to get to this page again but this time it'll work for linking. Thank you.

SSH host keys fingerprints

1024 SHA256:YKx8b7u5ZWdcbp7/4AeXNaqElP49m6QrwfXaqQGJAOk gerrit-code-review@openocd.zylin.com (DSA)
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+--[ED25519 256]--+
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2048 SHA256:0Onrb7/PHjpo6iVZ7xQX2riKN83FJ3KGU0TvI0TaFG4 gerrit-code-review@openocd.zylin.com (RSA)