926ejs target uses rclk. Cleaned up jtag_khz output a bit.
[openocd.git] / src / helper / startup.tcl
1 #
2 # Defines basic Tcl procs that must be there for
3 # OpenOCD to work.
4 #
5 # Embedded into OpenOCD executable
6 #
9 # Help text list. A list of command + help text pairs.
10 #
11 # Commands can be more than one word and they are stored
12 # as "flash banks" "help text x x x"
14 proc add_help_text {cmd cmd_help} {
15 global ocd_helptext
16 lappend ocd_helptext [list $cmd $cmd_help]
17 }
19 proc get_help_text {} {
20 global ocd_helptext
21 return $ocd_helptext
22 }
24 # Production command
25 # FIX!!! need to figure out how to feed back relevant output
26 # from e.g. "flash banks" command...
27 proc board_produce {filename serialnumber} {
28 openocd "reset init"
29 openocd "flash write_image erase $filename [flash] bin"]]
30 openocd "verify_image $filename [flash] bin"]]
31 echo "Successfully ran production procedure"
32 }
34 proc board_test {} {
35 echo "Production test not implemented"
36 }
38 # Show flash in human readable form
39 # This is an example of a human readable form of a low level fn
40 proc flash_banks {} {
41 set i 0
42 set result ""
43 foreach {a} [ocd_flash_banks] {
44 if {$i > 0} {
45 set result "$result\n"
46 }
47 set result [format "$result#%d: %s at 0x%08x, size 0x%08x, buswidth %d, chipwidth %d" $i $a(name) $a(base) $a(size) $a(bus_width) $a(chip_width)]
48 set i [expr $i+1]
49 }
50 return $result
51 }
53 # We need to explicitly redirect this to the OpenOCD command
54 # as Tcl defines the exit proc
55 proc exit {} {
56 ocd_throw exit
57 }
59 #Print help text for a command. Word wrap
60 #help text that is too wide inside column.
61 proc help {args} {
62 global ocd_helptext
63 set cmd $args
64 foreach a [lsort $ocd_helptext] {
65 if {[string length $cmd]==0||[string first $cmd $a]!=-1||[string first $cmd [lindex $a 1]]!=-1} {
66 set w 50
67 set cmdname [lindex $a 0]
68 set h [lindex $a 1]
69 set n 0
70 while 1 {
71 if {$n > [string length $h]} {break}
73 set next_a [expr $n+$w]
74 if {[string length $h]>$n+$w} {
75 set xxxx [string range $h $n [expr $n+$w]]
76 for {set lastpos [expr [string length $xxxx]-1]} {$lastpos>=0&&[string compare [string range $xxxx $lastpos $lastpos] " "]!=0} {set lastpos [expr $lastpos-1]} {
77 }
78 #set next_a -1
79 if {$lastpos!=-1} {
80 set next_a [expr $lastpos+$n+1]
81 }
82 }
85 puts [format "%-25s %s" $cmdname [string range $h $n [expr $next_a-1]] ]
86 set cmdname ""
87 set n [expr $next_a]
88 }
89 }
90 }
91 }
93 add_help_text help "Tcl implementation of help command"
96 # If a fn is unknown to Tcl, we try to execute it as an OpenOCD command
97 #
98 # We also support two level commands. "flash banks" is translated to
99 # flash_banks
100 proc unknown {args} {
101 # do the name mangling from "flash banks" to "flash_banks"
102 if {[llength $args]>=2} {
103 set cmd_name "[lindex $args 0]_[lindex $args 1]"
104 # Fix?? add a check here if this is a command?
105 # we'll strip away args until we fail anyway...
106 return [eval "$cmd_name [lrange $args 2 end]"]
107 }
108 # This really is an unknown command.
109 return -code error "Unknown command: $args"
110 }
112 proc new_target_name { } {
113 return [target number [expr [target count] - 1 ]]
114 }
117 proc target_script {target_num eventname scriptname} {
119 set tname [target number $target_num]
121 if { 0 == [string compare $eventname "reset"] } {
122 $tname configure -event reset-init "script $scriptname"
123 return
124 }
126 if { 0 == [string compare $eventname "post_reset"] } {
127 $tname configure -event reset-init "script $scriptname"
128 return
129 }
131 if { 0 == [string compare $eventname "pre_reset"] } {
132 $tname configure -event reset-start "script $scriptname"
133 return
134 }
136 if { 0 == [string compare $eventname "gdb_program_config"] } {
137 $tname configure -event old-gdb_program_config "script $scriptname"
138 return
139 }
141 return -code error "Unknown target (old) event: $eventname (try $tname configure -event NAME)"
143 }
145 add_help_text target_script "DEPRECATED please see the new TARGETNAME configure -event interface"
147 # Try flipping / and \ to find file if the filename does not
148 # match the precise spelling
149 proc find {filename} {
150 if {[catch {ocd_find $filename} t]==0} {
151 return $t
152 }
153 if {[catch {ocd_find [string map {\ /} $filename} t]==0} {
154 return $t
155 }
156 if {[catch {ocd_find [string map {/ \\} $filename} t]==0} {
157 return $t
158 }
159 # make sure error message matches original input string
160 return -code error "Can't find $filename"
161 }
162 add_help_text find "<file> - print full path to file according to OpenOCD search rules"
164 # Run script
165 proc script {filename} {
166 source [find $filename]
167 }
169 #proc daemon_reset {} {
170 # puts "Daemon reset is obsolete. Use -c init -c \"reset halt\" at end of openocd command line instead");
171 #}
173 add_help_text script "<filename> - filename of OpenOCD script (tcl) to run"
175 # Handle GDB 'R' packet. Can be overriden by configuration script,
176 # but it's not something one would expect target scripts to do
177 # normally
178 proc ocd_gdb_restart {target_num} {
179 # Fix!!! we're resetting all targets here! Really we should reset only
180 # one target
181 reset halt
182 }
184 # If RCLK is not supported, use fallback_speed_khz
185 proc jtag_rclk {fallback_speed_khz} {
186 if {[catch {jtag_khz 0}]!=0} {
187 jtag_khz $fallback_speed_khz
188 }
189 }
191 add_help_text jtag_rclk "fallback_speed_khz - set JTAG speed to RCLK or use fallback speed"
193 proc ocd_process_reset { MODE } {
195 # If this target must be halted...
196 set halt -1
197 if { 0 == [string compare $MODE halt] } {
198 set halt 1
199 }
200 if { 0 == [string compare $MODE init] } {
201 set halt 1;
202 }
203 if { 0 == [string compare $MODE run ] } {
204 set halt 0;
205 }
206 if { $halt < 0 } {
207 return -error "Invalid mode: $MODE, must be one of: halt, init, or run";
208 }
210 foreach t [ target names ] {
211 # New event script.
212 $t invoke-event reset-start
213 }
215 # Init the tap controller.
216 jtag arp_init-reset
218 # Examine all targets.
219 foreach t [ target names ] {
220 $t arp_examine
221 }
223 # Let the C code know we are asserting reset.
224 foreach t [ target names ] {
225 $t invoke-event reset-assert-pre
226 # C code needs to know if we expect to 'halt'
227 $t arp_reset assert $halt
228 $t invoke-event reset-assert-post
229 }
231 # Now de-assert reset.
232 foreach t [ target names ] {
233 $t invoke-event reset-deassert-pre
234 # Again, de-assert code needs to know..
235 $t arp_reset deassert $halt
236 $t invoke-event reset-deassert-post
237 }
239 # Pass 1 - Now try to halt.
240 if { $halt } {
241 foreach t [target names] {
243 # Wait upto 1 second for target to halt. Why 1sec? Cause
244 # the JTAG tap reset signal might be hooked to a slow
245 # resistor/capacitor circuit - and it might take a while
246 # to charge
248 # Catch, but ignore any errors.
249 catch { $t arp_waitstate halted 1000 }
251 # Did we succeed?
252 set s [$t curstate]
254 if { 0 != [string compare $s "halted" ] } {
255 return -error [format "TARGET: %s - Not halted" $t]
256 }
257 }
258 }
260 #Pass 2 - if needed "init"
261 if { 0 == [string compare init $MODE] } {
262 foreach t [target names] {
263 set err [catch "$t arp_waitstate halted 5000"]
264 # Did it halt?
265 if { $err == 0 } {
266 $t invoke-event reset-init
267 }
268 }
269 }
271 foreach t [ target names ] {
272 $t invoke-event reset-end
273 }
274 }
276 # stubs for targets scripts that do not have production procedure
277 proc production_info {} {
278 return "Imagine an explanation here..."
279 }
280 add_help_text production_info "Displays information on production procedure for target script"
282 proc production {firmwarefile serialnumber} {
283 puts "Imagine production procedure running successfully. Programmed $firmwarefile with serial number $serialnumber"
284 }
286 add_help_text production "Runs production procedure. Throws exception if procedure failed. Prints progress messages."
288 proc production_test {} {
289 puts "Imagine nifty test procedure having run to completion here."
290 }
291 add_help_text production "Runs test procedure. Throws exception if procedure failed. Prints progress messages."
293 proc load {args} {
294 return [eval "load_image $args"]
295 }
296 add_help_text load "synonym to load_image"
298 proc verify {args} {
299 return [eval "verify_image $args"]
300 }
302 add_help_text verify "synonym to verify_image"
306 add_help_text cpu "<name> - prints out target options and a comment on CPU which matches name"
308 # A list of names of CPU and options required
309 set ocd_cpu_list {
310 {
311 name IXP42x
312 options {xscale -variant IXP42x}
313 comment {IXP42x cpu}
314 }
315 {
316 name arm7
317 options {arm7tdmi -variant arm7tdmi}
318 comment {vanilla ARM7}
319 }
320 }
322 # Invoked from Tcl code
323 proc ocd_cpu {args} {
324 set name $args
325 set result ""
326 global ocd_cpu_list
327 foreach a [lsort $ocd_cpu_list] {
328 if {[string length $args]==0||[string first [string toupper $name] [string toupper "$a(name)$a(options)$a(comment)"]]!=-1} {
329 lappend result $a
330 }
331 }
332 return $result
333 }
335 proc cpu {args} {
336 # 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
337 puts "CPU Options Comment"
338 foreach a [lsort [ocd_cpu $args]] {
339 puts [format "%-20s%-40s%s" $a(name) $a(options) $a(comment)]
340 }
341 }

Linking to existing account procedure

If you already have an account and want to add another login method you MUST first sign in with your existing account and then change URL to read https://review.openocd.org/login/?link to get to this page again but this time it'll work for linking. Thank you.

SSH host keys fingerprints

1024 SHA256:YKx8b7u5ZWdcbp7/4AeXNaqElP49m6QrwfXaqQGJAOk gerrit-code-review@openocd.zylin.com (DSA)
384 SHA256:jHIbSQa4REvwCFG4cq5LBlBLxmxSqelQPem/EXIrxjk gerrit-code-review@openocd.org (ECDSA)
521 SHA256:UAOPYkU9Fjtcao0Ul/Rrlnj/OsQvt+pgdYSZ4jOYdgs gerrit-code-review@openocd.org (ECDSA)
256 SHA256:A13M5QlnozFOvTllybRZH6vm7iSt0XLxbA48yfc2yfY gerrit-code-review@openocd.org (ECDSA)
256 SHA256:spYMBqEYoAOtK7yZBrcwE8ZpYt6b68Cfh9yEVetvbXg gerrit-code-review@openocd.org (ED25519)
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2048 SHA256:0Onrb7/PHjpo6iVZ7xQX2riKN83FJ3KGU0TvI0TaFG4 gerrit-code-review@openocd.zylin.com (RSA)