#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; if (@ARGV != 1) { die "Usage: $0 \n\n" . "Convert the JEDEC document containing manufacturer identification codes\n" . "to an array initializer suitable for inclusion into jep106.c. The latest\n" . "version of the document can be found here:\n" . "http://www.jedec.org/standards-documents/results/jep106\n"; }; my $outfile = dirname($0) . "/jep106.inc"; open(my $out, ">", $outfile) || die "Cannot open $outfile: $!\n"; open(my $pdftotext, "pdftotext -layout $ARGV[0] - |") || die "Cannot fork: $!\n"; print $out "/* Autogenerated with " . basename($0) . "*/\n"; my $bank = -1; while (<$pdftotext>) { if (/^[0-9]+[[:space:]]+(.*?)[[:space:]]+([01][[:space:]]+){8}([0-9A-F]{2})$/) { if ($3 eq "01") { $bank++ } my $id=sprintf("0x%02x",hex($3)&0x7f); print $out "[$bank][$id - 1] = \"$1\",\n"; } } close $pdftotext || die "Error: $! $?\n"; print $out "/* EOF */\n";