# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # The OpenOCD coding-style rules forbids CamelCase names for symbols, # either functions, variables, macros and enums. # The script checkpatch detects the CamelCase symbols. # This file contains the exceptions to the coding-style, mainly due # to external dependencies and libraries. # format types from inttypes.h (only some are already used) PRId8 PRId16 PRId32 PRId64 PRIi8 PRIi16 PRIi32 PRIi64 PRIo8 PRIo16 PRIo32 PRIo64 PRIu8 PRIu16 PRIu32 PRIu64 PRIx8 PRIx16 PRIx32 PRIx64 PRIX8 PRIX16 PRIX32 PRIX64 SCNd8 SCNd16 SCNd32 SCNd64 SCNi8 SCNi16 SCNi32 SCNi64 SCNo8 SCNo16 SCNo32 SCNo64 SCNu8 SCNu16 SCNu32 SCNu64 SCNx8 SCNx16 SCNx32 SCNx64 SCNX8 SCNX16 SCNX32 SCNX64 # OpenOCD format types TARGET_PRIdADDR TARGET_PRIoADDR TARGET_PRIuADDR TARGET_PRIxADDR # from libusb.h bcdDevice bConfigurationValue bEndpointAddress bInterfaceClass bInterfaceNumber bInterfaceProtocol bInterfaceSubClass bmAttributes bNumConfigurations bNumEndpoints bNumInterfaces idProduct idVendor iInterface iProduct iSerialNumber wMaxPacketSize # from jimtcl/jim.h and jimtcl/jim-eventloop.h Jim_AppendString Jim_AppendStrings Jim_Cmd Jim_CmdPrivData Jim_CmdProc Jim_CompareStringImmediate Jim_ConcatObj Jim_CreateCommand Jim_CreateInterp Jim_DecrRefCount Jim_DelCmdProc Jim_DeleteAssocData Jim_DeleteCommand Jim_DictAddElement Jim_DictPairs Jim_DuplicateObj Jim_Eval Jim_EvalExpression Jim_EvalObj Jim_EvalObjPrefix Jim_EvalSource Jim_Eval_Named Jim_FreeInterp Jim_FreeObj Jim_GetAssocData Jim_GetCommand Jim_GetDouble Jim_GetEnum Jim_GetExitCode Jim_GetGlobalVariableStr Jim_GetIntRepPtr Jim_GetLong Jim_GetResult Jim_GetString Jim_GetVariable Jim_GetWide Jim_IncrRefCount Jim_InitStaticExtensions Jim_Interp Jim_ListAppendElement Jim_ListGetIndex Jim_ListLength Jim_MakeErrorMessage Jim_NewDictObj Jim_NewEmptyStringObj Jim_NewIntObj Jim_NewListObj Jim_NewStringObj Jim_NewWideObj Jim_Obj Jim_ProcessEvents Jim_RegisterCoreCommands Jim_SetAssocData Jim_SetEmptyResult Jim_SetResult Jim_SetResultBool Jim_SetResultFormatted Jim_SetResultInt Jim_SetResultString Jim_SetVariable Jim_String Jim_WrongNumArgs cmdProc currentScriptObj delProc emptyObj privData returnCode typePtr # from elf.h Elf32_Addr Elf32_Ehdr Elf32_Half Elf32_Off Elf32_Phdr Elf32_Size Elf32_Word Elf64_Addr Elf64_Ehdr Elf64_Half Elf64_Off Elf64_Phdr Elf64_Word Elf64_Xword # for BSD's __FreeBSD__ __FreeBSD_kernel__ # for Windows CreateFile CloseHandle CreatePipe CreateProcess FormatMessage GetLastError GetModuleFileName GetSystemTimeAsFileTime GetTickCount GetVersionEx HighPart LowPart MsgWaitForMultipleObjects PeekMessage PeekNamedPipe QuadPart ReadFile SetConsoleCtrlHandler SetHandleInformation Sleep WaitForSingleObject WriteFile WSACleanup WSAGetLastError WSAStartup ZeroMemory bInheritHandle dwFlags dwHighDateTime dwLowDateTime dwPlatformId dwOSVersionInfoSize hProcess hThread hStdError hStdInput hStdOutput lpSecurityDescriptor nLength # OpenOCD exceptions that should be removed KiB