# converted to .tcl by html2tcl.tcl set buffer "" append buffer { OpenOCD debugger } set console "" set upload_filename /ram/upload append buffer {
} append buffer [capture version] append buffer {
} set toggle_details [formfetch toggle_details] if {[string length $toggle_details]==0} { set toggle_details 0 } set show_details [load_var show_details] if {[string length $show_details]==0} { set show_details 0 } if {$toggle_details==1} { set show_details [expr 1-$show_details] save_var show_details $show_details } if {[string length $console]!=0} { append buffer { } } append buffer {

OpenOCD debugger


Target Status

} set form_address [formfetch form_address] set form_action [formfetch form_action] if {[string compare $form_action "Halt"]==0} { append console [encode [capture_catch "halt"]] } if {[string compare $form_action "Resume"]==0} { append console [encode [capture_catch "resume"]] } if {[string compare $form_action "Reset and run"]==0} { append console [encode [capture_catch "reset run"]] } if {[string compare $form_action "Power on"]==0} { append console [encode [capture_catch "power on"]] } if {[string compare $form_action "Power off"]==0} { append console [encode [capture_catch "power off"]] } append buffer { } append console [encode [capture_catch poll]] append buffer {

} if {$show_details==1} { append buffer < append buffer {td style="background-color:#dddddd;padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;padding-top:3px;padding-bottom:3px;"} append buffer > } else { append buffer < append buffer {td style="background-image:url('menu_cuts/h_tab_free.png');width:110px;height:29px;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position:top left;"} append buffer > } append buffer { } if {$show_details==1} { append buffer "Hide details" append buffer
} else { append buffer {
} append buffer "Show details" append buffer {
} } append buffer {
} if {$show_details==1} { append buffer $console } append buffer {} if {$show_details!=1} { append buffer {} } append buffer {
OpenOCD Manual

Target status shows that status of the connected target.

Current target - selected target configuration.

Startup - whether or not the target script ran to completion. Note that even if the target is disconnected, powered down or unresponsive, the startup script will still run to completion. Startup - OK does not mean that the target is fully operational, simply that the configuration script did not contain syntax errors for instance. See log for details.

Target power - Detects power on target.
If the JTAG cable is not connected, or the target has no power, then no target power will be detected.

Power on - Turn on ZY1000 target power relay.

Power off - Turn off ZY1000 target power relay.

Type "help power" in telnet for command to control power relay.

Reboot ZY1000 - Reboots ZY1000 unit. Type "help reboot" in telnet.

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