# converted to .tcl by html2tcl.tcl set buffer "" append buffer { OpenOCD debugger } set console "" set upload_filename /ram/upload append buffer {
} append buffer [capture version] append buffer {
} set toggle_details [formfetch toggle_details] if {[string length $toggle_details]==0} { set toggle_details 0 } set show_details [load_var show_details] if {[string length $show_details]==0} { set show_details 0 } if {$toggle_details==1} { set show_details [expr 1-$show_details] save_var show_details $show_details } if {[string length $console]!=0} { append buffer { } } append buffer {

Upload File to ZY1000

} set form_filename [formfetch form_filename]; set form_action [formfetch form_action]; #set form_filecontent [formfetch form_filecontent]; append buffer {
} append buffer
if {[string compare $form_action "Upload"]==0} { if {[catch {writeform form_filecontent $form_filename} result]==0} { append buffer [encode $result] } else { append buffer Wrote $form_filename } } append buffer {} append buffer {
Filename on ZY1000
File to upload
} append buffer {
} append buffer {
} append buffer {
} append buffer {
} if {$show_details==1} { append buffer < append buffer {td style="background-color:#dddddd;padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;padding-top:3px;padding-bottom:3px;"} append buffer > } else { append buffer < append buffer {td style="background-image:url('menu_cuts/h_tab_free.png');width:110px;height:29px;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position:top left;"} append buffer > } append buffer { } if {$show_details==1} { append buffer "Hide details" append buffer
} else { append buffer {
} append buffer "Show details" append buffer {
} } append buffer {
} if {$show_details==1} { append buffer $console } append buffer {} if {$show_details!=1} { append buffer {} } append buffer {
OpenOCD Manual

The ZY1000 has three filing systems "/rom", "/ram" and "/config". "/rom" is a read only filing embedded into the firmware.

Use "/ram" to store temporary files.

You can browse filing systems and download files by pointing your web browser to:

You can also upload files using e.g. curl from the command line. Example:

curl --form form_filecontent=@/tmp/myfile.elf --form form_filename=/ram/myfile.elf } append buffer [ip] append buffer {upload.tcl

If you have a tftp server installed on your development PC, you can access files on your developer PC using a /tftp/ip/ prefix to the file to be accessed on your developer PC. Note that if you do not increase the default packet size for your tftp server, then the performance will be very poor. Normal performance is about 500-600kBytes/s.

cp /tftp/ /ram/test
} start_chunked "html" write_chunked $buffer end_chunked