# Defines basic Tcl procs that must exist for OpenOCD scripts to work. # # Embedded into OpenOCD executable # # We need to explicitly redirect this to the OpenOCD command # as Tcl defines the exit proc proc exit {} { ocd_throw exit } # Help text list. A list of command + help text pairs. proc cmd_help {cmdname h indent} { set indent [expr $indent * 2] set fmt_str [format "%%%ds%%-%ds %%s" $indent [expr 25 - $indent]] set w [expr 50 - $indent] set n 0 while 1 { if {$n > [string length $h]} {break} set next_a [expr $n + $w] if {[string length $h] > $n + $w} \ { set xxxx [string range $h $n [expr $n + $w]] for {set lastpos [expr [string length $xxxx] - 1]} \ {$lastpos >= 0 && [string compare \ [string range $xxxx $lastpos $lastpos] " "] != 0} \ {set lastpos [expr $lastpos - 1]} \ { } #set next_a -1 if {$lastpos != -1} { set next_a [expr $lastpos + $n + 1] } } puts [format $fmt_str "" $cmdname \ [string range $h $n [expr $next_a - 1]] ] set cmdname "" set n [expr $next_a] } } # If a fn is unknown to Tcl, we try to execute it as an OpenOCD command # # We also support two level commands. "flash banks" is translated to # flash_banks proc unknown {args} { # do the name mangling from "flash banks" to "flash_banks" if {[llength $args]>=2} { set cmd_name "[lindex $args 0]_[lindex $args 1]" if {[catch {info body $cmd_name}]==0} { # the command exists, try it... return [eval "$cmd_name [lrange $args 2 end]"] } } # This really is an unknown command. return -code error "Unknown command: $args" } proc new_target_name { } { return [target number [expr [target count] - 1 ]] } # Try flipping / and \ to find file if the filename does not # match the precise spelling proc find {filename} { if {[catch {ocd_find $filename} t]==0} { return $t } if {[catch {ocd_find [string map {\ /} $filename} t]==0} { return $t } if {[catch {ocd_find [string map {/ \\} $filename} t]==0} { return $t } # make sure error message matches original input string return -code error "Can't find $filename" } add_help_text find " - print full path to file according to OpenOCD search rules" # Run script proc script {filename} { source [find $filename] } add_help_text script " - filename of OpenOCD script (tcl) to run" ######### # catch any exceptions, capture output and return output proc capture_catch {a} { catch { capture {uplevel $a} } result return $result }